Top 50 Publications

Central de Abasto – Mexico City (CEDA)
Understanding food loss and waste at the world’s largest market

North American Marine Protected Area Rapid Vulnerability Assessment Tool
Example of Completed Worksheets

Alberta Tailings Ponds II: Factual Record
North American Environmental Law and Policy, Volume 36

An Examination of US-generated Spent Lead-Acid Battery Exports and Secondary Lead Recycling in Canada, Mexico, and the United States

Environmentally Sound Management of Spent Lead-acid Batteries in North America
Technical Guidelines

A Guide for Syndromic Surveillance for Heat-Related Health Outcomes in North America
Project publication

Guide to Developing a Community Renewable Energy Project in North America
climate change municipalities green economy energy renewable energy

Best Available Technology for Air Pollution Control
Analysis Guidance and Case Studies for North America

Improving Environmental Performance and Compliance
10 Elements of Effective Environmental Management Systems

Reducing Emissions from Goods Movement via Maritime Transportation in North America
Evaluation of the Impacts of Ship Emissions over Mexico

Ecosystem Function and Traditional Ecological Knowledge:
Building resilience and adapting to Climate Change in North America

Furthering the Understanding of the Migration of Chemicals from Consumer Products
A Study of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Clothing, Apparel, and Children’s Items