Data Tools
Access North American environmental datasets and maps

North American Environmental Atlas
The North American Environmental Atlas seamlessly assembles accurate cartographic data including maps, documentation, and interactive map layers at a scale of 1:10,000,000.

North American Land Change Monitoring System
A collaborative initiative between Canada, Mexico, and the United States to monitor land cover - the observed physical cover on the surface of the Earth - and its change over time.

Taking Stock Online
Taking Stock Online allows users to explore North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) data through interactive tools and comprehensive reports.

Taking Stock Volume 16
North American Pollutant Releases and Transfers, with a feature analysis of off-site transfers to disposal
Pollutant Releases and Transfers
Information Repositories
Browse platforms that host an array of information, tools and resources on specific environmental topics

“Last Stop: The Ocean” Campaign Toolkit & Website
These campaign tools were designed to create awareness on water and trash flows and provide simple solutions for individuals to prevent and reduce land-based marine litter.

EcoInnovation Network Website
This network of innovation centers within academic institutions across North America will cultivate youth and community leadership in innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainable growth.
Green Growth

Food Loss and Waste: Infographic
What is the estimated impact of food loss and waste on our lives and on our surrounding environment?
Green Growth

Food Matters Action Kit
The Food Matters Action Kit provides North American youth with dozens of easy and fun activities that have a positive impact on our environment.
Green Growth

Grasslands Beneficial Management Practices Tool
Nearly 100 beneficial management practices aimed at ranchers, conservation organizations, government and academic institutions in North America.

Guide to Integrated Design and Delivery
The guide highlights best practices and specific tools for ten workforce sectors, supported by seven case studies and over fifty reference documents.
Green Growth

Monarch Conservation Toolbox
Engaging landowners across North America to provide monarch butterfly habitat.

North American Initiatives on Food and Organic Waste
Peeling back the layers on the issue of food loss and waste in North America.
Green Growth

Sustainable Trade of Priority Species in North America
We contribute to the to the legal, sustainable and traceable production and trade in these selected species.
Ecosystems, Green Growth

Why and How to Measure Food Loss and Waste
This practical guide provides a step-by-step plan for organizations all along the food supply chain to measure food loss and waste.
Green Growth
Training Materials
Discover training materials geared towards environmental enforcement professionals

CEC Training Materials on Environmentally Sound Management
ESM can be defined as taking all practicable steps to ensure that used and/or end-of-life products and wastes are managed in a manner that will protect human health and the environment.