Why and How to Measure Food Loss and Waste
A Practical Guide - Version 2.0
Why and How to Measure Food Loss and Waste
A Practical Guide - Version 2.0
Version 2.0 of the guide, which was developed in 2020, provides a number of improvements upon the initial release based on feedback and input from pilot testers, expert contributors, and other individuals and organizations consulted by the authors. These improvements were designed to make the guide more user-friendly and allow readers to more easily find the material most useful to them. In addition, a number of new tools and case studies are available at https://www.cec.org/flwm/ to assist users in their FLW measurement journey. These tools are intended to provide information and activities designed to help businesses, institutions and others prevent, recover and recycle FLW. Appendix A, which provides descriptions of several FLW measurement methods, is also available for download at this link.
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