Identification of CITES-listed Tarantulas
Aphonopelma, Brachypelma and Sericopelma species
Identification of CITES-listed Tarantulas
Aphonopelma, Brachypelma and Sericopelma species
The purpose of this guide is to assist enforcement officers by providing the information required to identify specimens of tarantula species that are listed in the Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The identifying characters of one species of Aphonopelma, 16 species of Brachypelma, and two species of Sericopelma are described in text and accompanying photographs.
Collectively, these species comprise all of the tarantula species that are listed on the Appendices of CITES (at the time of writing). Common names, scientific synonyms and distribution summaries are also provided. In addition, information is provided on basic tarantula morphology, and anticipated changes to Brachypelma taxonomy is discussed. Safe handling techniques are also reviewed for officers who may be required to inspect shipments of tarantulas, or otherwise interact with live specimens.
Additional Information
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