E4-4AMA-CBTIS41-19's Actions
Share your impact!
Upload photos of your actions and earn points towards food waste hero badges. See the ACTIVITY GUIDE for a list of all of the actions in the kit, their points and which badges they count toward.
Cosecha de frutos
10 points (Food Rescue)
Organizador gráfico de los distintos métodos de conservacion
0 points (Food Rescue)
Utilizar la cascara de naranja como snack
10 points (Grower-Chef)
Subproducto a partir de materia orgánica
10 points (Grower-Chef)
Aprendiendo a aprovechar
5 points (System Thinker)
Preparando un alimento más
10 points (Food Rescue)
Buscando tener un pensamiento sistemico
10 points (System Thinker)
Llevando a práctica el pensamiento sistemico
5 points (System Thinker)
Compartiendo ideas
5 points (Grower-Chef)