
JPAC Public Forum on Reaching Horizon 2030: An Environmental Outlook for North American Cooperation

Hotel BelAir Business CDMX WTC Dakota 95, Nápoles, Benito Juárez, 03810 Mexico City (Hybrid Event)

4 and 5 December, 2024


The global community recognizes that we are in a critical decade where meeting 2030 climate and biodiversity goals is essential to keeping global warming within 1.5°C and addressing biodiversity loss. The CEC initiative, Reaching Horizon 2030: An Environmental Outlook for North American Cooperation (H-2030), aims to ensure that the CEC’s strategies, programs and partnerships effectively support Canada, Mexico and the United States in meeting key climate and biodiversity targets, while contributing to global leadership.

In this context, this Public Forum will serve as a platform for discussing how CEC efforts can be strategically aligned with international goals and identifying concrete actions and collaborative opportunities to help the North American region address the triple planetary crisis. Combining expert presentations with in-depth discussions among policymakers, experts, communities and key actors, the Forum aims to develop strategic recommendations for advancing actions by 2030 and crafting strategies to achieve regional and global environmental objectives, focusing on three priority areas:

  • Earth Observation Technologies and Other Geographic Information System (GIS) Tools
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Ecosystem Services / Sustainable Use and Management of Biodiversity

while considering four cross-cutting themes:

  • Indigenous and Traditional Ecological Knowledge
  • Environmental Justice
  • Subnational Governance / Action (including cities / urban dimensions)
  • Private Sector Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility
JPAC Public Forum on Reaching Horizon 2030


Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST)

8:00 am-8:55 am
Salones México, Hotel BelAir Business CDMX WTC

Registration of In-Person Public Participants

8:55 am-9:00 am

JPAC Public Forum Traditional Welcoming Ceremony

9:00 am-9:05 am

Procedural Setup

JPAC Speaker - Julian Portilla

Julian Portilla
Forum Facilitator

9:05 am-9:15 am

Welcoming Remarks

JPAC Members - Esteban Escamilla Prado

Esteban Escamilla Prado
JPAC Member

9:15 am-9:30 am

Opening Remarks

CEC Executive Director

Jorge Daniel Taillant
CEC Executive Director

9:30 am-9:40 am

Setting the Stage on Earth Observation Technologies and Other GIS Tools

CEC Staff Member Profile Photo

Orlando Cabrera-Rivera
Head of unit, Environmental Quality, CEC

9:40 am-10:40 am

Session 1: Expert Panel on Earth Observation Technologies and Other GIS Tools and Climate Change

This expert panel will explore opportunities for regional collaboration to take advantage of existing and emerging earth observation technologies, and other GIS tools, that can support climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. The panel will also consider how data from these technologies and tools can be combined with social data to identify opportunities for improving the condition of disadvantaged communities and those with compounded vulnerabilities.

Steve De Roy
Chief Executive Officer, The Firelight Group
Download Presentation

Blanca Estela Sánchez Reyes
President, MbisBin Semilla para la Siembra (Seeds for Sowing)
Download Presentation

Judy Lai-Norling
Chief Operating Officer, Carbon Mapper
Download Presentation

10:40 am-10:55 am

Movement Break

10:55 am-12:00 pm

Roundtables on Earth Observation Technologies and Other GIS Tools for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

This segment will provide an opportunity for invited experts, NGOs, government representatives and the public-at-large, to reflect on the expert presentations, and to discuss the following topics (with guiding questions as provided in Annex 1):

  • Perspectives, priorities and gaps
  • Opportunities for regional collaboration
  • Solution-making for all
  • Successful approaches for replication, scaling and regional impact

12:00 pm-1:00 pm

Lunch at Restaurant Bistro

1:00 pm-1:10 pm

Setting the Stage on Sustainable Transportation

CEC Staff Member Profile Photo

Armando Yáñez Sandoval
Head of Unit, Green Growth, CEC
Download Presentation

1:10 pm-2:10 pm

Session 2: Expert Panel on Sustainable Transportation and Pollution Reduction

This expert panel presentation will explore strategies and opportunities to advance cleaner, more sustainable transportation, particularly examining areas where concentrations of emissions are contributing significantly to regional pollution and impacting local community health.

Apooyak’ii / Dr. Tiffany Hind Bull – Prete
Tier II Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Resiliency and Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Lethbridge
Download Presentation

Andrés Rojo Maurer
Consultant in Mobility and Public Transportation in Mexico, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Download Presentation

Tim Dallmann
Director, International Partnerships Program, International Council on Clean Transportation
Download Presentation

2:10 pm-3:10 pm

Roundtables on Sustainable Transportation for Pollution Reduction (Table Discussions and Share)

This segment will provide an opportunity for invited experts, NGOs, government representatives and the public-at-large, to reflect on the expert presentations, and to share their expertise, experience and insights on four topics (with guiding questions as provided in Annex 1):

  • Perspectives, priorities and gaps
  • Opportunities for regional collaboration
  • Solution-making for all
  • Successful approaches for replication, scaling and regional impact

3:10 pm-3:25 pm

Movement Break

3:25 pm-4:25 pm

Session 3: Expert Panel on Solution-Making for All

This expert panel presentation will explore strategies and opportunities to address the triple planetary crisis in ways that will benefit all peoples of the region. Panelists will explore dimensions of environmental justice, engagement of and solution-making with and for disadvantaged communities and those with compounded vulnerabilities.

Ingrid Waldron
Professor and HOPE Chair in Peace and Health in the Global Peace and Social Justice Program, McMaster University
Download Presentation

Gustavo Sánchez Valle
President of the Executive Committee of Red MOCAF, and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Mesoamerican Peoples and Forests Alliance (AMPB)

René LaPointe Jameson
Founder and Leader, Black Girl Environmentalist - Boston HUB, and Environmental Engineer
Download Presentation

4:25 pm-4:55 pm

Session 4: Youth Voices on H-2030

In this session, three youth experts representing youth across North America and who facilitated a discussion on youth engagement as part of CEC’s Youth Engagement Week, will share the perspectives, priorities and recommendations for regional action in response to the triple planetary crisis.

Sophie McCafferty
Educational Program Coordinator, the Hudson Food Collective

Frida Treviño
Climate Activist

Agustín Ángel Bernabé
Environmental Activist and Co-Founder, Leaders4EARTH

4:55 pm-5:00 pm

Day 1 Closing Comments

JPAC Speaker - Julian Portilla

Julian Portilla
Forum Facilitator

5:00 pm-7:00 pm

Networking Social (only for in-person participants)

Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST)

7:30 am-8:30 am
Salones México, Hotel BelAir Business CDMX WTC

Registration of In-Person Public Participants

8:30 am-8:45 am


JPAC Members - Esteban Escamilla Prado

Esteban Escamilla Prado
JPAC Member

8:45 am-8:55 am

Day 1 Recap

JPAC Speaker - Julian Portilla

Julian Portilla
Forum Facilitator

8:55 am-9:55 am

Session 5: Expert Panel on Indigenous Rights and Traditional Ecological Knowledge

This expert panel will focus on the perspectives, priorities, resilience, leadership, and self-determination of Indigenous Peoples in relation to the triple planetary crisis. The session will also highlight the vital role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), exploring the unique contributions of Indigenous Knowledge Systems to understanding and addressing this crisis. Panelists will present on the strategies and actions of their tribes, nations, or communities to ensure the meaningful inclusion of TEK and the respect of Indigenous rights in addressing the triple planetary crisis across the region.

Secretary Jason Chernow

Jason Chernow
Provincial Secretary of Environment, Climate Change, and Emergency Management, Metis Nation within Alberta

Guadalupe Yesenia Hernández Márquez
Co-President, Task Force on Indigenous and Local Knowledge, IPBES
Download Presentation

CEC Fellow

Iitoomsaokaa’sii Diandra Bruised Head
Kainaikii, Kanai Blood Tribe
Download Presentation

9:55 am-10:10 am

Movement Break

10:10 am-10:20 am

Setting the Stage on Ecosystem Services/Sustainable Use and Management of Biodiversity

CEC Staff Member Profile Photo

Lucie Robidoux
Head of Unit, Ecosystems, CEC
Download Presentation

10:20 am-11:20 am

Session 6: Expert Panel on Ecosystem Services/Sustainable Use and Management of Biodiversity

This expert panel will explore the actions that increase the provision of ecosystem services in the region, including opportunities for improving biodiversity management and strengthening water management across key groups in North America.

Kai Chan
Professor, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia
Download Presentation

Luis Fueyo MacDonald
Environnemental Consultant, CeIBA

Frankie Myers
Principal and Co-Founder, Fix The World Consulting

11:20 am-12:20 pm

Roundtables on Ecosystem Services/Sustainable Use and Management of Biodiversity

This segment will provide an opportunity for invited experts, NGOs, government representatives and the public-at-large, to reflect on the expert presentations, and to share their expertise, experience and insights on four topics (with guiding questions as provided in Annex 1):

  • Perspectives, priorities and gaps
  • Opportunities for regional collaboration
  • Solution-making for all
  • Successful approaches for replication, scaling and regional impact

12:20 pm-1:20 pm

Lunch at Restaurant Bistro

1:20 pm-2:05 pm

Session 7: Expert Panel on Subnational Governments Role in Addressing the Triple Planetary Crisis

This expert panel presentation will explore the actions being taken and the strategies and opportunities that exist through subnational entities to address the triple planetary crisis in ways that will benefit all peoples of the region. They will be asked to reflect on how they can partner with their federal/national counterparts and work strategically with the CEC to deliver concrete actions across the region.

Annie Provencher
Environment and Climate Change Portfolio Lead, Energy, Infrastructure and Resource Management, Manitoba Métis Federation—National Government of the Red River Métis
Download Presentation

Jennifer Norris
Executive Director, Wildlife Conservation Board
Download Presentation

Jesús Cruz López
President, Executive Committee of the Union of Communities and Ejidos for Conservation of the Central Valleys of Oaxaca

2:05 pm-2:50 pm

Session 8: Expert Panel on the Private Sector’s Role in Addressing the Triple Planetary Crisis

This expert panel presentation will explore the actions being taken and the strategies and opportunities that exist for private sector entities to address the triple planetary crisis, particularly in the priority topics areas of EOS/GIS, Sustainable Transportation and Ecosystem Services. The experts will be asked to reflect on how they can work strategically with the CEC to deliver concrete actions that will benefit the region.

Elizabeth Dove
Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network Canada
Download Presentation

Iván Vicente Cornejo Villalva
Director, International Financial Organizations, Nacional Financiera (NAFIN)

Alejandro Morales Heimlich
Chief Financial Officer, Toroto

Andrew Lawson Carranco
Board Member, North American Strategy for Competitiveness (NASCO)

2:50 pm-3:30 pm

Session 9: Roundtables of Reflection

This segment will provide an opportunity for invited experts, NGOs, government representatives and the public-at-large, to reflect on the expert presentations delivered over the course of the entire forum and to discuss their views on the take-aways they are left with, the emerging issues they feel need to be tackled, and the opportunities that they see for CEC action going forward.

3:30 pm-3:45 pm

Movement Break

3:45 pm-4:15 pm

Reflections from the Workstreams

  • EO/GIS Tools and Climate Change Workstream Head: Orlando Cabrera-Rivera, CEC Head of Unit, Environmental Quality, CEC
  • Sustainable Transportation Workstream Head: Armando Yáñez Sandoval, CEC Head of Unit, Green Growth, CEC
  • Ecosystem Services / Sustainable Use and Management of Biodiversity Workstream Heas: Lucie Robidoux, CEC Head of Unit, Ecosystems, CEC

4:15 pm-4:30 pm

Open Dialogue with the JPAC Members

This segment will provide an opportunity for invited experts, NGOs, government representatives and the public-at-large, to share other examples of successful collaborations/alliances and to raise other issues they wish to share with JPAC.

5:15 pm-5:30 pm

Closing Remarks

JPAC Members - Esteban Escamilla Prado

Esteban Escamilla Prado
JPAC Member

5:30 pm


Click here to download the complete program of public events.

Event accessibility

We strive to host inclusive, barrier-free events that enable all individuals to fully engage with CEC activities. As such, the JPAC Forum panels and presentations will be live-streamed and all broadcasts will be available in English, French and Spanish via simultaneous interpretation, with closed-caption services available.

To further this commitment, we are gathering feedback from our audience to enhance the accessibility of our activities. Please indicate your requirements to help us improve our events so that they meet your accessibility and inclusion needs. Your input will help us identify areas for improvement.  Please send us an email at sgagnon@cec.org.


Marcela Orozco
Director, Advisory Groups and Public Participation
(514) 350-4305

Samantha Gagnon
Lead, Advisory Groups and Private Sector Engagement
(514) 350-4329