Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) Regular Session 10-03 – Greening the Economy in North America
Astor Crowne Plaza
739 Canal St, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
16 and 17 November, 2010
The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation will host a public forum in New Orleans, Louisiana, on 16-17 November to discuss innovative ways to achieve an environmentally sustainable North American economy.
Save the date now to participate in this free event in New Orleans or join the discussion online. The event will be webcast live and an online discussion will start beforehand.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Foyer Grand C & D Rooms
Registration of Participants
Grand C & D Rooms
Welcoming remarks

JPAC Chair
What Do We Mean by ‘Greening the Economy’?

JPAC member for the United States

Question and Answer Period
Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment: A Tool for Green Development

JPAC member for the United States

Attorney-at-law, Washington, DC
Question and Answer Period
Grand A & B Rooms
Lunch Presentation

JPAC member for the United States

Founder of Planetwalk
Innovations in Greening the North American Economy

JPAC Member for the United States

Senior Fellow, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences for the University of Minnesota
Download Presentation
Question and Answer Period
JPAC discussion on a potential advice to Council

JPAC Chair
End of session
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Overview and approval of the provisional agenda

JPAC Chair
Report on CEC developments since the last JPAC meeting

Joint meeting with the National and Governmental Advisory Committee representatives
JPAC Follow-up and administrative matters
- JPAC priorities for 2011 and next meetings
Observers’ comments
End of session