Public Commentary – 2007-2009 Operational Plan
The Operational Plan 2007-2009 presents how the goals and objectives will be implemented through project activities and key initiatives, and specifies the budget for the CEC. The following are commentaries from the public meeting lead by the JPAC.
The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) is requesting public input on the CEC's proposed Operational Plan for 2007-2009. The CEC's Operational Plan describes cooperative action to protect and enhance the North American environment. It is focused on continuing implementation of program priorities established by the CEC Council (the environment ministers or equivalent of Canada, Mexico and the United States). These priorities are:
- Information for Decision-making;
- Capacity Building;
- Trade and Environment.
The JPAC review of this proposed plan is intended to be transparent, accessible and accountable to the public. Your comments are important and appreciated. This comment period follows a recent JPAC meeting (on 15 September, in Montreal), which included a presentation of the draft Operational Plan by the CEC Secretariat and preliminary assessments by Canadian, Mexican and US public participants.
The deadline to provide written comments on the proposed Operational Plan for 2007-2009 is 24 November. It is anticipated that, based upon its consideration of the proposed plan, JPAC will provide an Advice to Council on the CEC Operational Plan for 2007-2009 in the near future.

Past Consultations

Have Your Say: Public Consultation on the CEC’s Community-Led Environmental Education Initiative for Biocultural Heritage Protection

Public consultation on new CEC project to create a Communities for Environmental Justice Network in North America

Call for Indigenous Case Studies: Knowledge Dialogue on Indigenous Knowledge in Water Management

JPAC Public Consultation on new CEC project to advance supply chain transparency in North America