Community Solutions for Reducing Marine Litter
Status: Completed
Operational Plan: 2019 - 2020
Marine litter is a global problem that affects economies, ecosystems and potentially, human health. This project builds on the low-technology approach adapted from the Trash-Free Waters framework. The project supports marine litter mitigation efforts across North America by building the capacity of decision-makers and organizations and replicating successful multi-stakeholder approaches in other communities and watersheds. It aims to increase awareness in coastal and inland communities of the connections between consumer behavior and solid waste management practices upstream, and marine litter prevention downstream.

- Marine litter is a global problem that affects ecosystems and economies. Accelerating marine litter mitigation efforts requires a multi pronged approach, including:
- Community-driven, multi-stakeholder, low-technology approaches
- Increased awareness of land-based marine-litter sources
- The CEC is working to reduce marine litter in North America by strengthening the ability of communities and individuals to act upstream to prevent marine litter downstream
- Public awareness material to educate on the role we all play in preventing marine litter
- Toolkit and training for decision-makers on our local engagement process to reduce marine litter