One species from the genus Aphonopelma and 15 from the genus Brachypelma were selected as priority species.
The genus Brachypelma includes several colorful species that are highly sought after for the commercial pet trade. Of the 18 recommended Actions for these species included in the Action Plan, three were prioritized for implementation during the current CEC project “Supporting Sustainable Trade of CITES Species.”
Tarantula identification guideDevelopment and distribution of a guide to the identification of priority tarantulas (16 species). The guide will be designed to meet law enforcement needs and should be made available online for general use. Completion of the guide could lead to development of a pictorial identification smartphone “app.” |
IUCN Red list/NOM 059 workshopA workshop will be sponsored to assess the priority tarantulas (16 species) for inclusion in the IUCN Red List and to update NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Some species may be assessed as “Data Deficient,” which would highlight the need for additional research. |
Tarantula trade workshop (enforcement)A trinational workshop on the trade and identification of priority tarantulas (16 species) will be sponsored. The workshop will bring together tarantula experts and enforcement staff from Canada, Mexico, the United States and the EU, to provide training on the identification of priority tarantula species, build links between North American and EU enforcement authorities, and stimulate collaborative enforcement actions to combat tarantula trafficking. |
Aphonopelma pallidum | Mexican Rose |
Brachypelma albiceps | Mexican Golden Red Rump |
Brachypelma annitha [See B. smithi; B.annitha is a junior synonym of B. smithi, and is no longer a valid name.] | ——— |
Brachypelma auratum | Mexican Flame Knee |
Brachypelma aureoceps | Florida Golden Chestnut |
Brachypelma baumgarteni | Mexican Orange Beauty |
Brachypelma boehmei | Mexican Fireleg or Mexican Rustleg |
Brachypelma emilia | Mexican Redleg or red-legged tarantula |
Brachypelma epicureanum | Yucatán Rustrump |
Brachypelma hamorii | Mexican Orange-knee tarantula |
Brachypelma kahlenbergi | New Mexican Tarantula |
Brachypelma klaasi | Mexican Pink |
Brachypelma schroederi | Mexican Black Velvet |
Brachypelma smithi | Mexican Red-knee tarantula |
Brachypelma vagans | Mexican Red Rump |
Brachypelma verdezi | Mexican Rose Grey |