Monarch and Pollinator Conservation

Monarch and Pollinator Conservation

The monarch butterfly's epic migration is emblematic of the trinational cooperation required to conserve, protect and enhance the North American environment.

For over two decades we have supported the conservation of the Monarch butterfly along its migratory route, by promoting community projects, developing action plans and supporting collaborative efforts in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Building on this model, we are supporting regional collaboration for pollinator conservation.

People for Pollinators

Pollinators, such as birds, bats, butterflies, bees, beetles, flies and many more insects, ensure the reproduction of many plants that humans and wildlife depend on for survival and are critical for global economic and food security.

Join us in spreading the word about pollinator conservation. Together, we can help pollinators and, in turn, help ourselves.

People for Pollinators

Tools and Resources

Tools and Resources

International Monarch Monitoring Blitz

Since 2017, the Monarch Monitoring Blitz has invited volunteers and community scientist to participate in monarch conservation efforts.

Tools and Resources

Trinational Monarch Knowledge Network

The TMKN has created an extensive database, combining data from hundreds of different sources and with a common standard defined by the Avian Knowledge Network.

Monarch Conservation Toolbox

Engaging landowners across North America to provide monarch butterfly habitat.

Tools and Resources

Trinational Mayors Monarch Pledge

Mayors and other local and tribal government chief executives are taking action to help save the monarch butterfly, an iconic species whose populations have declined by 90% in the last 20 years.

CEC Tools and Resources


This website serves as a resource for anyone who wants to know about monarch populations, i.e. government officials, researchers, members of the general public or NGOs.


Native Bee

73 pages June 11, 2024

North American Native Bee Inventories and Monitoring

Mark your calendars for the 8th International Monarch Monitoring Blitz! Every year, thousands of people from...

Pollinator Conservation Report

54 pages June 11, 2024

State of Knowledge on North American Pollinator Conservation

Mark your calendars for the 8th International Monarch Monitoring Blitz! Every year, thousands of people from...

Cover for Trinational Monarch Science Meeting

34 pages June 11, 2024

Proceedings of the Trinational Monarch Science Meeting

Mark your calendars for the 8th International Monarch Monitoring Blitz! Every year, thousands of people from...

CEC Publication Cover

2 pages June 11, 2024

Long-term Impact Assessment of the CEC Monarch Butterfly Conservation Work (1996–2016)

Mark your calendars for the 8th International Monarch Monitoring Blitz! Every year, thousands of people from...

Monitoring Monarch Butterflies Publication Cover

48 pages June 11, 2024

Monitoring Monarch Butterflies and their Habitat across North America:

Mark your calendars for the 8th International Monarch Monitoring Blitz! Every year, thousands of people from...