Taking Stock Volume 16



This report was made possible by the efforts of the CEC’s Environmental Quality Unit – in particular, Orlando Cabrera, Danielle Vallée, Dominique Croteau, Elizabeth Campos Sánchez, and Natalia Restrepo Velez. The data analyses and background information were developed in collaboration with the Ambiens-Kuradzo consulting team comprised of Erick Felipe Jiménez, Ramón Carlos Torres, Luis Sánchez Cataño, Ruth Carmina Monje Sotelo, Víctor Gutiérrez Avedoy, and Nora López.

The CEC also gratefully acknowledges the work of the French and Spanish language translators, with special thanks to Jacqueline Fortson, the CEC’s Spanish language managing editor, for her diligence and additional time spent to ensure the publication’s accuracy and completeness.

The CEC also wishes to thank the representatives of the North American pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) programs for providing advice and feedback on the report. They include, from Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI): Pascal Roberge, Joliane Lavigne, Tristan Lecompte, Dérick Poirier, and Jody Rosenberger; from the United States’ Toxics Release Inventory (TRI): Sandra Gaona and Steve DeVito; and from Mexico’s Registro de Emisiones y Transferencia de Contaminantes (RETC): Ernesto Navarro, Isabel Jiménez, and Fidel Núñez.

Finally, for their invaluable support of the Taking Stock Online website and database, without which the analyses for this report would be impossible, the CEC wishes to recognize Pangaea Information Technologies, Ltd, along with Cezar Anghel, the CEC’s IT manager. The CEC also gratefully acknowledges the creativity and attention to detail of Mireille Pasos, the CEC’s website consultant, who produced the online version of the report.


Commission for Environmental Cooperation

For more information, please contact: info@cec.org