Reducing Emissions from Transportation
Air emissions from the transport of goods and people are a major source of pollution that impacts air quality, public health, and the environment. Our trinational work in this area aims to make transportation more efficient and less polluting throughout North America.
80 pages June 1, 2018
Reducing Emissions from Goods Movement via Maritime Transportation in North America
The influence of ship emissions on air quality in Mexico and the potential improvements resulting...
31 pages June 1, 2018
Reducing Emissions from Goods Movement via Maritime Transportation in North America
This document presents the key premises and results of the fuel supply and cost analysis,...
25 pages June 1, 2018
Reducing Emissions from Goods Movement via Maritime Transportation in North America
The basis for this work was an unpublished CEC report entitled, Inventario Nacional de Emisiones...
48 pages January 26, 2016
Reducing Air Pollution at Land Ports of Entry: Recommendations for Canada, Mexico and the United States
As part of the Greening Transportation at North American Land Ports of Entry project, this...
4 pages March 31, 2011
Destination Sustainability
Transportation is second only to electricity generation as a source of greenhouse gas (gHg) emissions...
2017 - 2018 Completed
Reducing Pollution from Maritime Transport
2015 - 2016 Completed