Migratory Bird Conservation

Migratory Bird Conservation

According to experts, wild bird populations in the continental United States and Canada have declined by almost 30% since 1970. As a result of human disturbances and habitat degradation, migratory birds have been identified as a priority group of species in need of conservation. We work with communities along bird migration routes to conserve habitats, raise awareness and develop ecotourism linked to bird migration cycles.

Tools and Resources

CEC Tools and Resources

Conserving Shorebirds and Their Habitat Through a Network of Key Sites Across the Americas

WHSRN is a science-based, partnership-driven, conservation initiative for protecting the ecological integrity of critical habitats for shorebirds throughout the Americas.


Sandpiper Publication Cover

18 pages September 7, 2017

Identification of Important Semipalmated Sandpiper and Red Knot Sites Along the North American Atlantic and Pacific Flyways

A total of 88 sites were identified as holding 1% or more of the biogeographic...

CEC Publication Cover

30 pages September 4, 2014

Where do grassland birds winter?

However these grasslands are being lost at an alarming rate. In order to halt and...

CEC Publication Cover

134 pages April 24, 2003

Migratory Birds: Factual Record

The second case involves a logging company’s alleged intentional burning of four trees on private...

CEC Publication Cover

10 pages May 1, 2002

Review of Progress on the North American Bird Conservation Initiative

Birds are the most visible component of the biological diversity of North America. More than...