

Submission ID: SEM-02-005
Party concerned: Mexico
Date filed: November 25, 2002
Submission Status: Closed

Latest Update: January 31, 2003

The thirty-day term expired without the Secretariat receiving a submission that conformed to Article 14(1). Under guideline 6.2, the process was therefore terminated.

Summary of the matter addressed in the submission:

The Submitter, Mr. Angel Lara García, asserts that the manufacturing facility of ALCA, S.A. de C.V. releases highly toxic contaminants into the neighborhood of Santa Isabel Industrial, where Mr. Lara García lives. The health and economic effects allegedly attributable to the emissions produced by the company are cited in the 183 documents submitted by Mr. Lara García. He claims that the factory should close or relocate since, "according to environmental standards, which have not been respected, it is a source of pollutants." The documents make multiple references to the presence of strong odors from fuels and solvents. And Mr. Lara García claims that complaints lodged with the Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection) and other agencies have been to no avail.

Names and citations of the environmental laws in question:

Federal Penal Code, Title Twenty-five, Chapter One: Ecological Crimes; Official Mexican Standard NOM-002-ECOL-1996: Permissible limits for contaminants in discharges of waste waters into drainage systems and urban or municipal sewer systems; Official Mexican Standard NOM-085-ECOL-1994, which establishes maximum permissible levels for emissions into the atmosphere of smoke, total suspended particulates, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. This legislation also stipulates the requirements and operating conditions for combustion-based indirect heating equipment, as well as the maximum permissible levels of sulfur dioxide emissions for combustion-based direct heating equipment.


Ángel Lara García

Submission Timeline

November 25, 2002

The Secretariat received a submission and began a preliminary analysis of it under the guidelines.

Acknowledgement - Communication to Submitter(s) authored by Secretariat on 29/11/2002

Submission - Submission authored by Submitter(s) on 08/11/2002

December 17, 2002

The Secretariat notified the submitter(s) that the submission did not meet all of the Article 14(1) criteria and the submitter(s) had 30 days to provide the Secretariat with a revised submission that conforms with Article 14(1).

Determination - Secretariat Determination under Article 14 (1) authored by Secretariat on 17/12/2002

January 31, 2003

The thirty-day term expired without the Secretariat receiving a submission that conformed to Article 14(1). Under guideline 6.2, the process was therefore terminated.