Oki. Kitsiksimaatsimmahpowawa anooma kiitawahsinoon. Niistoakoke Iitoomsaokaa’sii. Nimohtoto Akainai. Nimohtotsiitapii mammyoyiiksi kii akaipokaiksi. Ninna anistawa Aatsakoomahkainai, Niiksista Naatosaakii. Diandra Bruised Head is Blackfoot from the Kainai Blood Tribe in Southern Alberta, Canada. She is a graduate of the Lethbridge College and University of Lethbridge in Environmental Sciences and began her career working in the field, connecting directly to the land through scientific data collection. In 2017, she was hired as Blood Tribe Climate Change Coordinator to raise awareness about the severe changes predicted, and to encourage youth, elders, and the community to act in resilience together. This led to the development of the Kainai Iinnii Rematriation project, which welcomed plains bison to communal lands as a practice of Indigenous Sovereignty in 2021. Diandra was elected to the Blood Tribe Chief and Council leadership team in November of 2020. During her four-year term, she led the people with Blackfoot values. She plans on continuing to advocate for landscape-scale Bison Rematriation.