
Securing the Continent’s Biological Wealth

Towards Effective Biodiversity Conservation in North America

April 11, 2001 19 pages
Securing the Continent's Biological Wealth

Securing the Continent’s Biological Wealth

Towards Effective Biodiversity Conservation in North America

April 11, 2001 19 pages


This report is the first step in a longer term process, the ultimate goal of which is the development of a strategy for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation for improving biodiversity conservation throughout the continent. The project is a bold effort—not a North American biodiversity strategy—but rather guidance to CEC on how best to catalyze conservation action that will be effective at the continental level. This doesn't necessarily mean only initiatives that span borders or deal with shared species, it could also mean fostering cross-country learning and common responses to shared problems.

Additional Information

Document Type: Background paper
Theme: Ecosystems
