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NAFTA’s Institutions

The Environmental Potential and Performance of the NAFTA Free Trade Commission and Related Bodies

November 1, 1997 76 pages
CEC Publication Cover

NAFTA’s Institutions

The Environmental Potential and Performance of the NAFTA Free Trade Commission and Related Bodies

November 1, 1997 76 pages


This study of the environmental potential and performance of the institutions created by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) represents a substantive contribution to Phase II of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s NAFTA Effects Project.

The project responds directly to Article 10(2)(l) of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), as well as to Article 10(6) which calls for cooperation between the Free Trade Commission (FTC) and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) to achieve the environmental objectives of NAFTA and to assess its effects on the environment. The project will design a framework that will permit the ongoing monitoring of the environmental changes occurring throughout North America in the wake of NAFTA and the side agreements negotiated in conjunction with it.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Green Growth
Series: Environment and Trade Series
