Measuring Consumer Interest in Mexican Shade-Grown Coffee
An Assessment of the Canadian, Mexican and US Markets
October 1, 1999
43 pages
Measuring Consumer Interest in Mexican Shade-Grown Coffee
An Assessment of the Canadian, Mexican and US Markets
October 1, 1999
43 pages
The objective of this report is to present the findings of a market analysis measuring consumer interest in, and potential demand for, Mexican shade-grown coffee in North America.
This report on the consumer side of shade-grown coffee is complementary to the work of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation in developing environmentally sound and sustainable production criteria. These criteria have been developed in conjunction with the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center. A synthesis report assessing the implications of the production and consumption side of shade-grown coffee and its implications for various stakeholders in support of sustainable development will be released in late 1999.
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