
Identifying Environmentally Preferable Uses for Biomass Resources

Stage 2 Report : Life-Cycle GHG Emission Reduction Benefits of Selected Feedstock-to-Product Threads

January 21, 2005 124 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Identifying Environmentally Preferable Uses for Biomass Resources

Stage 2 Report : Life-Cycle GHG Emission Reduction Benefits of Selected Feedstock-to-Product Threads

January 21, 2005 124 pages


This report presents the results of the Stage 2 research carried out to determine "Environmentally Preferable Uses of Biomass". Stage 1 identified existing and emerging technologies and pathways to transform various biomass feedstocks into an energy or nonenergy product. Each pathway is called a "thread" in this study. This updated version includes corrections suggested by the Forest Products Association of Canada, mainly with respect to large-scale biomass use in Canada.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Climate Change, Green Growth
