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A North American Resource

January 4, 2002 19 pages
CEC Publication Cover


A North American Resource

January 4, 2002 19 pages


This document has been developed by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) to spur discussion and focus debate on groundwater in the North American context. The CEC has previously examined the legal and policy framework that underlies transboundary freshwater management in North America and has identified a number of emerging freshwater issues. In June 2001, the Council of the CEC directed the Secretariat to analyze freshwater issues relating to local water pricing and watershed management, and promote accessible, affordable technologies for improving water management. The CEC will be including a special chapter on water in its next State of the Environment Report in 2003.

Additional Information

Document Type: Background paper
Theme: Ecosystems, Green Growth
Full version: The full version of the report is available in English upon request to rinfiesta@cec.org
