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Dispute Avoidance

Weighing the Values of Trade and the Environment Under the NAFTA and the NAAEC

November 1, 1996 48 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Dispute Avoidance

Weighing the Values of Trade and the Environment Under the NAFTA and the NAAEC

November 1, 1996 48 pages


The Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s Environment and Trade Series is designed to deepen our understanding of environment and trade linkages in the context of North American trade liberalization.

Dispute Avoidance: Weighing the Values of Trade and the Environment Under the NAFTA and the NAAEC closely examines past, present and potential environmental trade disputes in North America in order to identify ways to avoid or resolve such disputes. The report also looks at trade policies and dispute resolution systems already in place under NAFTA and GATT and cites possible improvements.

Additional Information

Document Type: Background paper
Theme: Green Growth
Series: Environment and Trade Series
