Restoring the Shores of the Place of the Blue Grouse
Organization: SeaChange Marine Conservation Society
Brentwood Bay, Victoria and coastal communities in British Columbia.
Country: Canada
Other Organizations Involved:
- Ministry of Environment BC Parks,
- Tsartlip First Nations,
- Institute of Ocean Science,
- SNC Lavalin coastal engineers,
- Peninsula Stream Society

This project will demonstrate to hundreds of visitors to this world famous provincial park the benefits of responding to rising sea levels with a softer approach than seawalls in low wave energy sites.
In British Columbia, Canada over half of the province’s 29 Regional Districts are bounded by tidal waters and exposed to the risks presented by climate change related sea level rise. Approximately 30 per cent of the municipal governments in the province and approximately two-thirds of the province’s population are also exposed to the future expected consequences of climate change related sea level rise.
Through this project SeaChange Marine Conservation Society, will restore the physical and biological function of a beach site through beach nourishment and marine riparian plantings in Tod Inlet (SṈIDȻEȽ - pronounced sngeet-kwith). The site is well known to visitors from around the globe. It was historically the site for a cement manufacturing factory at the turn of the 20th century. Highly valued by the Saanich (W̱SÁNEĆ) First Nations for deer, bird, plant and marine harvesting, bringing the shore back to life is critical.
- Decrease erosion and increase nearshore biodiversity by demonstrating the advantages of a soft shore approach to sea level rise.
- Increase riparian area above beach nourishment site to increase nearshore biodiversity in Tod Inlet.
- Increase public awareness of alternative shoreline erosion techniques.
Main activities
Construct correct slope/grade site in preparation for sediment placement; remove debris’ Locate and transport suitable sand/gravel sediment to site; Install logs, boulders, native vegetation and utilize bioengineering techniques on nearshore of Tod Inlet; Schedule on-site tours for public and create interpretive signage.
Completed enhanced intertidal shore site as a demonstration for erosion control alternative for low wave energy shores; More educated segment of the public about the effects of sea level rise and possible solutions to erosional problems along coast lines.