Nature Trail: Reforestation and Conservation of the Jalacingo, Alseseca, María de la Torre and Gavilanes Rivers in the Río Bobos-Nautla Basin in Veracruz, Mexico
Organization: Unión Regional de Productores de Plátano Dominico, Asociación Civil
- The project will provide environmental benefits to several communities in the municipalities of Jalacingo (6,747 residents), Tlapacoyan (8,605 residents) and Atzalan (6,156 residents), for a total of 21,508 beneficiaries.
- The María de la Torre River corresponds to the towns of Buena Vista, Hidalgo, Platanozapan, Plan de Hidalgo, Coxmiquiloyan and La Otra Banda;
- The Jalacingo River corresponds to the towns of Nixtamalapa, Epapa, Nicolás Bravo and Tomata; the Alseseca River corresponds to the towns of Atzalan, Alseseca, Los Manueles, Napoala and Pilares;
- While the Gavilanes River corresponds to the towns of Zapotitlán, Tazolapa, Chachalacas, Cuauzapotitán, Santiago and La Palmilla.
Country: Mexico

Northcentral Veracruz still offers a continental biotic system of mesophyllic woodlands, forming part of the biosphere in the Bobos Nautla-Misantla River basin, accounting for 8.3% (28,808 hectares) of the basin area. This joining of systems contributes a special environmental wealth to region’s natural landscape, as it supports 66% of the biodiversity in the state of Veracruz. Therefore, it is regarded as a hydrological basin of unquestionable value, warranting urgent rescue in the country.
- To increase, through training courses, the understanding and awareness of residents in communities near the Gavilanes, Jalacingo, María de la Torre and Alseseca Rivers, so that they are actively involved in the conservation and sustainable management of the reforested area.
- To reforest 60 hectares along the Gavilanes, Jalacingo, María de la Torre and Alseseca Rivers with native species proper to the mesophyllic mountain forest.
Main activities
- Cultural sensitivity and awareness of the project through a training course at each of the 21 communities in the municipalities of Atzalan, Tlapacoyan and Jalacingo.
- Reforestation of 60 hectares along both sides of the Gavilanes, Jalacingo, María de la Torre and Alseseca Rivers.
With a coverage of 60 reforested hectares, the aim is to conserve 44.28 m3/ha/year of soil in the project region, and to increase the catchment and recharge of underground water by 1,375.2 m3/ha/day to support and strengthen the mesophyllic forest system. The 21 participating towns will be permanently incorporated into the conservation of nature trails through the reforestation.