North American On-line, Interactive Informational Platform on Climate Change
Status: Completed
Operational Plan: 2013 - 2014
This project established the North American Portal on Climate Pollutants, an online web platform designed to make the data from air pollutant emissions inventories for Canada, Mexico, and the United States comparable and easy for researchers and policy experts to use. The North American Portal on Climate Pollutants includes inventory data for greenhouse gases, black carbon, and other short-lived climate pollutant emissions, published with the cooperation of the three governments. The Portal will be updated periodically with additional inventories and related information. Through improved communication among experts, along with informed inventory data comparisons, the platform will support climate change mitigation policies and consequent greenhouse gas and black carbon emissions reductions in the three countries.

Key Accomplishments
- A common framework to enhance the comparability of disparate air pollutant emissions inventories, through the use of semantic tags
- Developed a mechanism to distribute trinational emissions inventory data to air emissions experts, researchers, and decision-makers
- Improved access and the ability to share North American national and subnational emissions inventory data and information, to improve decision-making relative to climate change issues
- Introduced the project to over 200 international atmospheric emissions experts at the Global Emissions InitiAtive (GEIA) conference in June 2014 in Boulder, Colorado
- North American Portal on Climate Pollutants
- A data dictionary that defines a semantic framework for tagging and comparing air pollutant inventories of any kind
- Web services that distribute trinational emissions inventory data
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North American On-line, Interactive Informational Platform on Climate Change
Operational Plan 2011-2012