North American Black Carbon Emissions Estimation Guidelines
Status: Completed
Operational Plan: 2013 - 2014
Building on past efforts to improve the comparability of greenhouse gas estimates and methodologies, this project focused on developing guidelines to improve the accuracy of estimates of black carbon and co-pollutant emissions from key sources in the three countries to support cross-border comparisons and mitigation assessments. The guidelines also provide recommendations for further research to align the capabilities of the three countries, with a special focus on Mexico.

Key Accomplishments
- A guidance document for estimating black carbon emissions from key sources, providing comparable methodologies and best practices for use across North America, at both national
and subnational levels - Partnership and collaboration with government experts and other international environmental research and academic institutions in the development of the guidance document
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Improving Black Carbon Emission Inventory Data for Small Scale Biomass Combustion
Operational Plan 2017 - 2018