Join the CEC’s public conversation on Ecosystem-based Adaptation to climate change
Tell us about your work on EbA in North America:
Montreal, 23 August 2016—The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) invites North American environmental researchers and experts to participate in the 8 September Workshop on Emerging Scientific Research Relating to Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to climate change.
The collaborative workshop, scheduled for 8 September, from 2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. (Central Daylight Time), is part of JPAC’s public forum in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, on the impacts of climate change on biodiversity from an environmental and economic perspective.
To enhance the discussion, JPAC invites EbA researchers and experts to send a 250-word summary of their current research or work on EbA to the CEC Secretariat in advance of the workshop. These synopses will be posted on the CEC website and distributed at the workshop.
Use our online submission form to tell us briefly about your work on EbA in North America.
The JPAC forum is being held in conjunction with the 23rd Regular Session of the CEC Council on 8-9 September, at which Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Mexico’s Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, will host United States Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy, and Canada’s Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna.
In-person and online participants will be invited to provide their input on EbA through a dialogue facilitated by JPAC member Eric Dannenmaier, dean of the Northern Illinois University College of Law and an expert on international environmental law and policy.
What is Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA)?
Recognized as an important tool for combatting climate change in the 2015 Paris Agreement, EbA methods include the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems as strategies for adapting to the negative effects of climate change at multiple geographic levels (from local to international).
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation Joint Public Advisory Committee is composed of 15 citizens, five from each country. It advises the Council and ensures public participation, openness and transparency in the actions of the CEC. For more information, visit <>.

About the CEC
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) was established in 1994 by the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States through the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, a parallel environmental agreement to NAFTA. As of 2020, the CEC is recognized and maintained by the Environmental Cooperation Agreement, in parallel with the new Free Trade Agreement of North America. The CEC brings together a wide range of stakeholders, including the general public, Indigenous people, youth, nongovernmental organizations, academia, and the business sector, to seek solutions to protect North America’s shared environment while supporting sustainable development for the benefit of present and future generations
The CEC is governed and funded equally by the Government of Canada through Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Government of the United States of Mexico through the Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, and the Government of the United States of America through the Environmental Protection Agency.