Grasslands Conservation

Grasslands Conservation

Disturbances such as agricultural and residential expansion have negatively impacted the central grasslands of North America, affecting water and food security and leading to the loss of biodiversity. We have brought together conservationists and ranchers in the 3 countries to promote beneficial management practices on ranch land. Since 2011, more than 360,000 acres (146,000 ha) of ranch land have been placed under sustainable management through initiatives we have funded.

Cows grazing on a prairie

Tools and Resources

CEC Tools and Resources

Grasslands Beneficial Management Practices Tool

Nearly 100 beneficial management practices aimed at ranchers, conservation organizations, government and academic institutions in North America.


Grasslands Projects Publication Cover

4 pages July 16, 2019

CEC Grasslands Projects Environmental Benefits Assessment (2011–2015)

The North American grasslands are the only shared, contiguous terrestrial ecoregion extending across the three...

CEC Publication Cover

38 pages December 15, 2015

North American Ranching Industries, Beef Cattle Trade, and Grasslands: Status and Trends

These sets of infographics stem from CEC-funded efforts to chronicle recent trends in the North...

CEC Publication Cover

35 pages August 4, 2014

Prairie Beef and Biodiversity

Of the conservation tools used around the world, payments for ecosystem services (PES) have been...

CEC Publication Cover

28 pages August 1, 2013

North American Grasslands Alliance

The North American Grasslands Alliance: A Framework for Change document lays a strong foundation to bring about...

CEC Publication Cover

4 pages November 18, 2010

North America’s Grasslands

Information on conserving North America's grasslands through regional partnerships, species monitoring and inventory programs