
Modeling Techniques and Estimating Environmental Outcomes

[Document disponible en anglais seulement]

17 juin 2002 24 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Modeling Techniques and Estimating Environmental Outcomes

[Document disponible en anglais seulement]

17 juin 2002 24 pages


This note has been prepared as a background paper for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation's (CEC) electricity initiative Environmental Challenges and Opportunities of the Evolving North American Electricity Market. Its purpose is to provide background information on as well as the results of the various publicly available models that have been used to evaluate the environmental effects of electricity market restructuring in different jurisdictions of North America. The paper is essentially descriptive and, as result, almost all of the information contained in it summarizes information from publicly available documents.

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Type de document : Document d'information
Thème : Croissance verte
