
L’accès aux habitations écologiques en Amérique du Nord

Promotion des habitations accessibles et durables au Mexique [Document disponible en anglais seulement]

13 mars 2008 21 pages
CEC Publication Cover

L’accès aux habitations écologiques en Amérique du Nord

Promotion des habitations accessibles et durables au Mexique [Document disponible en anglais seulement]

13 mars 2008 21 pages


The primary objective of this paper is to contribute to a shared North American (Canada, Mexico and the United States) vision of green building in the residential sector, as a response to the challenge represented by climatic change and its consequences. In particular, this paper is intended to offer a current and future diagnostic assessment of green building in Mexico and to identify the obstacles and driving factors that in the future will hinder or permit the creation of a green building market that enjoys acceptance by final users as well as financial and governmental sectors.

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Type de document : Document d'information
Thème : Croissance verte
