
XXIIe session ordinaire du Conseil de la CCE et réunions du Comité consultatif public mixte

Boston, MA

14 et 15 juillet 2015


À la lumière de l’engagement qu’a pris le CCPM d’examiner les problèmes liés à l’eau lors de chacune de ses réunions cette année, ainsi que du thème annuel choisi par le Conseil (Changements climatiques, adaptation et résilience), cette session portera sur L’eau et les changements climatiques : S’adapter grâce aux infrastructures vertes.

Les participants à cette réunion discuteront de la façon dont on a utilisé les infrastructures vertes et l’aménagement du territoire à l’échelle de l’Amérique du Nord pour gérer les effets de l’évolution des eaux de ruissellement en milieu urbain et rural. Ils examineront également les bienfaits conjoints des approches qu’ils proposent pour la santé humaine, en particulier en ce qui concerne le traitement des eaux usées, la restauration de la qualité de l’eau, l’accès à une eau saine et la réduction des îlots de chaleur, mais aussi la conservation de la biodiversité et la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

Le public est invité à participer sans frais à la session du Conseil et à la tribune du CCPM.

Ordre du jour

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Ballroom Foyer

Registration of Participants

Grand Ballroom Salons A,B,C & G

Opening and Introductory Remarks

Gustavo Alanís-Ortega
JPAC Chair


Keynote Presentation

Frederick A. Laskey
Executive Director, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)
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Panel I: Stormwater in Cities

As some cities struggle, during and after extreme weather events, with excess stormwater from rainfall and melted snow, green infrastructure has proven to be an effective and sustainable water management strategy. This session will feature examples and a discussion of municipal-level initiatives that use green infrastructure to reduce property damage and improve water quality and mitigate water pollution and flooding.

Felicia Marcus
JPAC Member

Christopher Hilkene
President, Clean Water Foundation
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Georgita J. Ruiz Michael
Executive Director, Tierra de Aves, A.C.
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Wing Tam
Assistant Division Manager, Watershed Protection Division, City of Los Angeles
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Moderated Question and Answer Period with experts, JPAC Members and audience

Palm Garden

Lunch [provided]


Panel II: Adapting to Changing Stormwater Quantities through Land-use Planning

Changes in the timing and intensity of storms has altered the quantity of water from rainfall and melted snow in certain regions of North America. Stormwater runoff has exacerbated mudslides, coastal and riverbank erosion, and flooding. Changes in climate and land use have combined to worsen periodic stormwater flood patterns. Improved stormwater infrastructure and management could help ameliorate this and also address issues of water conservation and sustainable use. Different kinds of green infrastructure, along with better land-use planning, can help us adapt to changing conditions.

Gustavo Carvajal
JPAC member

Roberto Romero Ramírez
Director, Water Program, Fundación Gonzalo Río Arronte
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Isabelle Thomas
Associate Professor, Institut d'urbanisme, Université de Montréal
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Carlton Ray
Long-term Control Plan, Clean Rivers, District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water)
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Moderated Question and Answer Period, with experts, JPAC Members and audience




Update on Submissions on Enforcement Matters

Paolo Solano Tovar
Legal Officer
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Report from the National and Governmental Advisory Committee Representatives




Networking Session for the Public

Based on the discussions held throughout the day, participants are invited to meet and exchange views on North American issues to be raised with the Ministers during the Council Public Meeting on 15 July. Participants will be asked to identify three key issues for our region. JPAC members will attend as observers.


Closing Remarks

Gustavo Alanís-Ortega
JPAC Chair

Official Opening of the 22nd Regular Session of the CouncilThe Great Hall, Faneuil Hall, 1 Faneuil Hall Square, and Welcoming ReceptionAncient and Honorable Artillery, 4 Faneuil Hall Square (off-site)

  • Introductory remarks by Irasema Coronado, CEC Executive Director Welcoming remarks by local official (tbc)
  • Welcoming remarks and official opening of the XXII Regular Session of the Council by Gina McCarthy, Administrator, US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Remarks by Leona Aglukkaq, Canada’s Minister for the Environment
  • Remarks by Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo, Mexico’s Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources
  • Remarks by Gustavo Alanís-Ortega, Chair of the CEC Joint Public Advisory Committee

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Ballroom Foyer

Registration of Participants

Grand Ballroom Salons A,B,C & G


Austin Blackmon
Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space, City of Boston
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Ballroom Foyer

CEC Projects Exhibition — Working Together for the North American Environment



Grand Ballroom Salons A,B,C & G

Council Public Meeting

Palm Garden

CEC projects Exhibition (cont.) and Lunch [provided]

Grand Ballroom Salons A,B,C & G

Council Town Hall



Grand Ballroom Salons A,B,C & G

Council Session Closing

Minister Leona Aglukkaq
Closing Remarks

Administrator Gina McCarthy
Concluding Remarks and Passing the Torch

Secretary Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo
New Council Chair and Announcement of 2016 Council Session