Session ordinaire no 13-03 du CCPM : Les 20 premières années d’application de l’ALÉNA et de l’ANACDE
George Washington University Law School,
2000 H Street NW
Washington, DC
17 et 18 octobre 2013
À ce jour nous avons reçu de nombreux commentaires, entre autres, de groupes autochtones, de défenseurs de l’environnement, d’activistes, de chercheurs et de représentants de l’industrie sur la question de savoir si, au cours des 20 dernières années, la coopération environnementale de part et d’autres de nos frontières s’est avérée une réussite ou un échec, et ce à quoi cette coopération entre nos trois pays devrait ressembler dans l’avenir.
Le Comité consultatif public mixte (CCPM) de la CCE remercie toutes les personnes qui ont fait parvenir des commentaires pour souligner le 20e anniversaire de l’Accord nord-américain de coopération dans le domaine de l’environnement. Toutes les personnes intéressées sont conviées à participer à la réunion qui aura lieu à Washington DC, les 17 et 18 octobre. Lors de cette rencontre, les participants auront l’occasion de discuter de ces questions et de contribuer à l’élaboration d’une recommandation que le CCPM formulera aux trois ministres de l’Environnement.
Alors que de nouveaux accords de libre-échange, tel que l’Accord de Partenariat Trans-Pacifique, sont négociés partout dans le monde, le moment semble bien choisi pour revoir les raisons qui ont amené à la création de la CCE en 1994, un organisme qui, pour plusieurs, a été considéré comme la première tribune dans le cadre duquel des partenaires commerciaux à l’échelle internationale abordaient la question de savoir si le libre-échange était susceptible de porter atteinte à l’environnement.
Ordre du jour
Thursday 17 October 2013
Foyer Moot Court Room
Registration of Participants
Welcome and Opening Remarks
David Angus
JPAC Chair
Welcome Remarks
Lee Paddock
Associate Dean for Environmental Studies
George Washington University Law School
Opening Presentation: Summary of research, issues and public comments as a result of the JPAC 20 Year Review
Geoff Garver
JPAC member
Keynote Presentation: NAFTA and NAAEC at 20: Is North America Achieving Its Environmental Goals?
Victor Lichtinger
First Executive Director of the CEC and
Former Minister of the Environment of Mexico
Question and Answer Period
Expert Panel: Goals and Objectives of NAFTA and the NAAEC
This Panel will reflect on the sustainable development goals the NAFTA countries set to achieve through the NAAEC and the CEC. The panelists will highlight the key successes and shortcomings in attaining these goals from the distinct perspectives of Canada, Mexico and the United States, individually and collectively.
Pauline Browes
JPAC member
Colin Robertson
Senior Strategic Advisor
McKenna, Long and Aldridge LLP
Alberto Bustani
Bustani Sustainable Growth Strategies
Serena Wilson
George Mitchell Scholarship Program
Facilitated Discussion Period, with JPAC and the Public
Lunch not provided
Expert Panel: Integrating Trade and Environment for Increased Environmental Protection
As the first environmental agreement linked to a trade agreement, the NAAEC sought to ensure mutually supportive economic and environmental policies, and to avoid the creation of trade barriers while maintaining high levels of environmental protection. This panel will discuss how the CEC has fared nearly 20 years into this endeavor.
Jonathan Waterhouse
JPAC member
Scott Vaughan
President and Chief Executive Officer
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Isabel Studer
Instituto Global para la Sostenibilidad
Caroll Muffett
President and CEO, Center for International Environmental Law
Facilitated Discussion Period, with JPAC and the Public
Expert Panel: Setting the North American Agenda for Increased Environmental Protection
Recognizing the interconnectedness of their environments, through the NAAEC, Canada, Mexico and the United States committed to ensuring high levels of environmental protection in their territories and to cooperating regionally on environmental issues. This panel will discuss how the NAAEC has contributed to higher levels of environmental protection over the past two decades, and how the CEC has shaped the North American environmental agenda.
Adriana Nelly Correa
JPAC member
Donna Tingley
Board Member, Natural Resources Conservation Board
Maite Cortés
Executive Director, Colectivo Ecologista Jalisco
Jeff Schott
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics
Facilitated Discussion Period, with JPAC and the Public
Wrap-up, by the JPAC Chair David Angus
Friday 18 October 2013
Opening Remarks
David Angus
JPAC Chair
Janine Ferretti
Chief, Environment and Social Safeguards Unit at Inter-American Development Bank and Former Executive Director of the CEC
Question and Answer Period
Recap of Previous Day’s Discussion
Scott Vaughan
President and Chief Executive Officer, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Round Table Discussions: Looking to the Future: What needs to change and what should be our priorities?
- Facilitated Round Table discussions
- Break-out
- Report back
- Public discussion
CEC 20th Anniversary Update and SEM Outreach
Irasema Coronado
CEC Executive Director
Wrap-up by the JPAC Chair David Angus