¡Comparte tu impacto!
Sube fotografías de tus acciones y gana puntos para obtener insignias o distintivos como ‘héroe contra el desperdicio de alimentos’. Consulta la Guía de actividades donde podrás ver una lista de todas las actividades contenidas en el kit, los puntos que puedes obtener y las insignias o distintivos para los que te suman puntos.
A large amount of waste which enters our garbage cans each lunch time comes from leftover food. As a school we decided that this waste could be recycled into fantastic nutrients for our school vegetable gardens if we started to compost it. We created a compost bin on our school grounds and waste from student lunches are now recycled in our compost bin. All students who eat in our lunch room place their leftover food waste into bins which is then transported to our compost bin which is located on our school grounds. We plan to use this compost in our vegetable gardens during our spring planting.
CMS Composts!
10 puntos (Pensador sistémico)
Estos son los puntos que has ganado para cada insignia o distintivo