Thirteenth Regular Session of the CEC Council and meetings of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC)
Washington, DC, United States
United States
27 and 28 June, 2006
The Council—composed of the top environmental officials from Canada, Mexico and the United States—meets annually to discuss environmental issues of common concern and direct the work program of the Commission. The Council will hold a public session on 28 June during which a limited number of members from the public will be invited to present oral statements on any issue related to the future of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation or the CEC.
The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) will hold its regular session in parallel to the Council meeting, beginning 27 June with a public workshop.

- CEC Ministerial Statement – 2006 — Thirteenth Regular Session of the CEC Council
- Summary Record — 13th Regular Session of the CEC Council
- Advice to Council 06-01 — Renewable Energy Alternatives: Bio-Fuels, Solar Energy and Wind Power
- Record of Discussion – Regular Session No. 06-02 — JPAC Public Workshop – Renewable Energy Alternatives: Biofuels, Solar Energy and Wind Power