7th Regular Council Session and JPAC Session 00-01
Hotel Camino Real Guadalajara
5005 Av. Vallarta
Zapopan, Jalisco
23 and 24 March, 2000
The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) invites you to its first regular session of 2000 on 23-24 March, at the Hotel Camino Real Guadalajara, located at 5005 Av. Vallarta, Zapopan, Jalisco in Mexico.
On 23 March, following opening reports, the public is invited to participate in a plenary discussion on the CEC's Three-year Program Plan including the North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Program. Participants will be encouraged to provide ideas and recommendations to assist JPAC in formulating future advice to Council. Afterwards, the meeting will focus on the development of strategic plans for the Conservation of Biodiversity project and, more particularly, on the results of a workshop on this matter that will be held directly prior to this regular session, where representatives of indigenous peoples from Canada, Mexico and the United States will be in attendance. Following reports from various participants of this workshop, JPAC will be very interested in receiving comments from the public on this specific project.
On 24 March, the public is invited to attend, as observers, the second day of this JPAC regular session. JPAC members will address administrative issues, such as a discussion of the advice to Council on strategic plans for the Conservation of Biodiversity project and methods for CEC project evaluation. At the end of the session, observers will have an opportunity to comment. It is also possible for the public to attend, as observers, a round table of the Joint Public Advisory Committee and the Mexican National Advisory Committee on emerging environmental trends in North America. The public will also have the opportunity to make comments at the end of this joint meeting.

- CEC Ministerial Statement – 2000 — Seventh Regular Session of the CEC Council – Final Communiqué
- Record of Discussion – Regular Session No. 00-01 — Joint Public Advisory Committee Session No. 00-01
- Advice to Council 00-01 — Strategic Directions for the Conservation of Biodiversity
- Advice to Council 00-02 — DRAFT Guide: Elements for Improving Environmental Performance and Compliance through Effective Environmental Management Systems