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CEC Council Session and JPAC Forum


June 26, 2020
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. EST and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST


Join us for live dialogues with North America’s three environment ministers and leading environmental experts to discuss the future of regional environmental collaboration and the important role of clean technology in making our communities more resilient.

Given the exceptional circumstances presented by COVID-19, this year’s sessions will take place as livestreamed virtual events that are open to the public. This new and innovative format will engage audiences across North America in live discussions and Q&As.

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CEC council Session

Recorded Webcast

Click to jump to the desired section.

* Please note the recordings only include the floor feed and do not include simultaneous interpretation.

Richard Morgan
CEC Executive Director

Jean-Frédéric Morin
Chairholder, Canada Research Chair in International Political Economy and Full Professor at the Political Science Department of Université Laval

Robert Moyer
Director, Submission on Enforcement Matters, Commission for Environmental Cooperation

Theresa Pardo and Sally Ann Gonzales
NAC/GAC Report, 2020

Q&A Session

Council Public Meeting

The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson
Canadian Council member

Administrator Andrew Wheeler
United States Council member

Rodolfo Godínez Rosales
Mexican Alternate Representative

Richard Morgan
CEC Organizational video

Deborah Harford
Adaptation to climate change team, Simon Fraser University

Dr. Ámparo Martínez
Director General, Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC)

Alejandra Castrodad
Executive Director, Resilient Power Puerto Rico

Council Session Q&A moderated by Dr. Carol-Ann Brown
Vice President, Innovation and Cleantech, GLOBE Series and The Delphi Group

Introduction by the Executive Director of CEC’s Fourth Youth Innovation Challenge and Announcement of the 2020 YIC winners

Karime Guillen Libien

Monqiue Chan 

Ciara May
(United States)

Response by the Council

CEC Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Council Session Closing


LIVESTREAM: The USMCA & the Environment: A Renewed Commitment for North America

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  EST

How will the new trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and the United States address issues linked to increased commerce such as marine litter, sustainable trade in species, air pollution and more? How will the new Environmental Cooperation Agreement enhance environmental cooperation between the three countries? Join the CEC’s Joint Public Advisory Committee to learn more about the implications of these new international frameworks for environmental protection across the region.


Jean-Frédéric Morin
Chairholder, Canada Research Chair in International Political Economy and Full Professor at the Political Science Department of Université Laval
Download Presentation

Robert Moyer
Director, Submission on Enforcement Matters, Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Download Presentation

LIVESTREAM: Clean Technologies for Resilient Communities

3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST 

How can clean technology help communities in North America better prepare for and adapt to more extreme weather events including flooding, wildfires, and rising sea levels? In the face of a global pandemic, how can we accelerate the shift to green technology in order to help make our energy supply more resilient?

Join Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change as he hosts Mexico’s Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources Víctor Manuel Toledo and United States Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler for a dialogue with the public on how clean technology is supporting community resilience across the region.

The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Carol Ann Brown, Vice President, Innovation and CleanTech for the Dephi Group.


Deborah Harford
Adaptation to climate change team, Simon Fraser University
Download Presentation

Alejandra Castrodad
Executive Director, Resilient Power Puerto Rico
Download Presentation

Dr. María Amparo Martínez Arroyo
Director General, Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC)
Download Presentation

Winners of the 2020 Youth Innovation Challenge

Karime Guillen Libien
Download Presentation

Monqiue Chan
Download Presentation

Ciara Imani May
United States
Download Presentation

Council Session Q&A

Dr. Carol-Ann Brown
Vice President, Innovation and Cleantech, GLOBE Series and The Delphi Group


Nathalie Daoust
Director, Government Relations, Strategy and Performance
(514) 350-4310

Marcela Orozco
Head of Unit, Advisory Groups and Private Sector Engagement
(514) 350-4305