Improving Comparability of GHG emissions data, methodologies and inventories in North America – Workshop of Experts
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
6 and 7 October, 2010
Lindsay Pratt - Canada's GHG Inventory Overview [PPT - 7.62 MB]
Luis Conde - National Inventory Report [PPT - 3.51 MB]
Luis Conde - GEI Mexico [PPT - 540 KB]
Jonathan Lubetski - US GHG Inventory 90-08 overview [PPTX - 2.25 MB]
Jonathan Lubetski - Final MRR Overview [PDF - 507 KB]
Barrios Black Carbon on MNEI 2008 [PPT - 438 KB]
Rebecca Lee Tooly - Venkatesh Rao - US EPA Black Carbon [PPT - 4.07 MB]
Rock Radovan [PPT - 724 KB]