Conserving Monarchs: Opportunities on Farms in Canada
March 30, 2017
Declining numbers of the iconic monarch butterfly have inspired community groups and citizens across North America to restore habitat by planting wildflowers and milkweed. How can Canadian farmers contribute to this continental effort?
Join Vicki Wojcik and Kathleen Law, from Pollinator Partnership Canada, as they introduce strategies for monarch conservation on farms, from practical considerations like dealing with weeds, to finding funding and partnership opportunities, and even how to enhance your business value through stewardship activities. This webinar will also discuss how on-farm conservation fits into other initiatives in urban areas, roadside corridors, parks and private gardens. Farmers and landowners have an important role to play in monarch conservation: find out how your farm can fit into the bigger picture!
This webinar is organized by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation as part of the project, Engaging Farmers and Other Landowners to Support Monarch Butterfly and Pollinator Conservation, which aims to promote the restoration and enhancement of monarch habitat in key breeding grounds and migration corridors in Canada, Mexico and the United States.