29th Regular Session of the CEC Council and Meeting of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC)
14 and 15 July, 2022
We would like to thank everyone who was able to join #CEC29, whether with us in Mérida, Mexico or attending virtually.
During this year’s Session, the Environment Ministers of Canada, Mexico and the United States announced a sweeping set of initiatives, including:
- An additional US$2 million to launch a new cycle of the EJ4Climate grant program that will focus on projects supporting environmental education to build resilience to climate change. The EJ4Climate grant program supports underserved and vulnerable communities, and Indigenous communities, in Canada, Mexico, and the United States to prepare for climate-related impacts;
- A C$750,000 initiative to undertake work to support enhanced uptake of circular economy approaches with sustainable production and consumption patterns in North America;
- A large-scale and multi-year initiative totaling C$1 million to strengthen community resilience to climate change;
- Contribution of C$300,000 to support an initiative led by the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC), that will raise awareness in the three countries to advance sustainable forestry and responsible consumption of wood products;
- The endorsement of a C$300,000 initiative, to be led by the Traditional Ecological Knowledge Expert Group (TEKEG) to address threats to food security by increasing our understanding of traditional Indigenous practices and knowledge related to food systems;
The winners of the 2022 CEC Youth Innovation Challenge who presented an impressive array of innovative and tangible solutions to assist North American communities in their recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thursday, 14 July 2022
JPAC Public Forum on Environmental Education
“Stories and lessons learned from North American communities and youth”
This JPAC hybrid forum will serve as a platform to amplify the creative ways in which communities’ approach environmental education as they address common environmental challenges. Community leaders and youth representatives will join the forum to share lessons learned, demonstrate unique approaches to environmental issues, participate in an intergenerational dialogue and further exemplify the important work of community action and empowerment.
Time Zone: Central Time (UTC-5)
Main entrance, ground floor, in front of Salon 5
Registration of Public Participants
Salon 26 and 27, 3rd Floor

Cessia Esther Chuc Uc
TEKEG member
Blessing Ceremony

Louie Porta
JPAC Chair
Opening Remarks

Richard Morgan
CEC Executive Director
Welcoming Remarks
Round Table: Community-based Approaches to Environmental Education and Climate Action: Hearing from North American Communities
This session will highlight stories from communities across North America tackling common environmental challenges.

Vern R. Cheechoo
Director of Lands and Resources, Mushkegowuk Council
Canada: Breathing Lands and Birthing Place
Download Presentation
Lawrence Martin
Marine Region Manager, Mushkegowuk Council
Canada: Breathing Lands and Birthing Place

Lucio López Méndez
President of the Consejo de vigilancia del Ejido Nuevo Becal
México: Integrated Forest Resource Management in the Ejido Nuevo Becal, Calakmul
Download Presentation
Lilian Hill
Executive Director of the Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance
United States: Indigenous Food Sovereignty: Restoring Traditional Foodways to Support Indigenous Self-determination, Wellness and Culture
Download Presentation
Rosa Esther Peña Soto
Advisor to the coordinator of farmworker organizations and Indigenous Peoples of Huasteca Potosina
Reflections from the Workshop: Knowledge Dialogue: Shared Values on Environmental Stewardship in North America

Pedro Moctezuma Barragán
JPAC member
Reflections from the Workshop: Knowledge Dialogue: Shared Values on Environmental Stewardship in North America
Download PresentationModerated Question and Answer Period with community representatives, JPAC and TEKEG members, Pre-Council Workshop rapporteur and audience (in-person and virtual)

Felicia Marcus
JPAC member
Overview of SEM Process and Update on Current Submissions

Paolo Solano
Director, Submissions on Enforcement Matters and Legal Unit
Download Presentation
Report from the National and Governmental Advisory Committee Representatives

Andy Carey
U.S. National Advisory Committee Chair
Download Presentation

Marina Brock
U.S. Governmental Advisory Committee Chair (virtual)
Intergenerational Round Table: Living Under Crises: Sharing Knowledge to Generate Opportunities for the Creation of More Sustainable Communities
This round table aims to showcase North American experiences related to environmental, social, and economic crises, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the growing impact of climate change. Crises are often major learning experiences for communities, and recovery can provide opportunities for moments of reflection regarding where we are, where we want to be, and how to get there.
Invited speakers and attendees will come together to discuss how they have been affected by recent challenges and emergencies and will also share insights on how they are turning this crisis into an opportunity to build more sustainable and resilient communities. The intergenerational dialogue will offer a two-way sharing of knowledge that honors diverse forms of cultural foundations from various perspectives and approaches.

Brock Dickinson
Assistant Director, Economic Development Program, University of Waterloo, Canada

Dr. Samantha Montano
Co-founder, Disaster Researchers for Justice and Center for Climate Adaptation Research, United States
Setting the Stage – Keynote presentation

Brook Morgan Thompson
Environmental Engineering Graduate Student, Stanford University, United States
Download Presentation
Ricardo González Hernández
President of Proyectando un Ambiente y Sociedad Verde, A.C., Mexico
Download Presentation
Dr. Irasema Alcántara Ayala
Vice-president of the Science Committee, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, Mexico

JPAC Chair
Closing Remarks
Friday, 15 July 2022
Council Public Meeting
Community-led Environmental Education for Sustainable Development
Every year the CEC Council holds public sessions during its regular annual meeting. They offer a unique opportunity for citizens to engage in person or remotely in a dialogue with Council members and share their views on relevant topics and issues. This year’s Dialogue with the Council will focus on “Community-led Environmental Education for Sustainable Development.”
The Council Public Session will also feature presentations by the 2022 winners of the CEC’s sixth Youth Innovation Challenge. The 2022 Youth Innovation Challenge invited youth aged 18 to 30 to propose innovative solutions to support COVID-19 recovery and address environmental challenges and opportunities for communities in Canada, Mexico and the United States.
Lunch [provided]
Welcoming remarks and introduction of video on CEC’s accomplishments

Miguel Ángel Zerón
Alternate Representative for Mexico

CEC Executive Director
Youth Innovation Challenge Winners

Dialogue with the Council on lessons learned from community conservation practices based on environmental education
During this session, Council members and invited experts will participate in a public dialogue on lessons learned from community conservation practices based on environmental education. The session will include moderated exchanges between Council members and invited experts as well as a moderated question and answer period with registered participants.

Valérie Courtois
Canada (virtual)
Download Presentation

Paulina Garrido Bonilla

Rashida Ua Bakari Ferdinand
United States

JPAC Chair
Council Announcements
Council Session Closing
Nathalie Daoust
Director, Government Relations, Strategy and Performance
(514) 350-4310
Marcela Orozco
Director, Advisory Groups and Public Participation
(514) 350-4305