25th Regular Session of the CEC Council and Meeting of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC)
Renaissance Oklahoma City Convention Center Hotel, 10 North Broadway Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
United States
26 and 27 June, 2018
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) invites the public to join its annual Regular Session of the CEC Council, composed of the environment ministers of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. This year, the Council Chair, US Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, will host Canadian Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna and Mexico’s Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources Rafael Pacchiano Alamán in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States.
As is customary, the Council Session will be preceded by a one-day public forum hosted by the CEC Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC). Building on the successful JPAC session that took place last November in Chicago on “NAFTA’S Environmental Side Agreement: Assessing the past, looking towards the future”, the JPAC forum will center on two key issues: future areas of trilateral environmental cooperation, and on expanding private sector engagement in future CEC projects and initiatives.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
(Central Time)
LV2 Prefunction East
Registration of Participants + CEC Exhibition
An exhibit showcasing the CEC’s work to protect and enhance North America’s environment
Ballroom A-B
Opening and Introductory Remarks, by Gustavo Alanís-Ortega, JPAC Chair
CEC Presentation

Keynote presentation

Aaron Cosbey
Senior Associate,
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Overview of key outcomes from the JPAC Meeting in Chicago by Robert Varney, JPAC Member
Roundtable 1–Future areas of trilateral environmental cooperation
Given the current renegotiation of NAFTA, the CEC has a unique opportunity to renew its focus on environmental issues and economic growth, as highlighted in many JPAC public forums over the past few years. This roundtable will discuss future areas of work for the CEC.
Moderator: Paola Hernández Villalvazo, JPAC member

Jean Piette
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Quebec Business Council on the Environment (Conseil Patronal de l’Environnement du Québec, CPEQ)
Download Presentation

Alejandro Sosa Reyes
Executive Director, Iniciativa GEMI
Download Presentation
Lunch [provided]
Ballroom A-B
Roundtable 2–Enhancing CEC engagement with the private sector
Building on the discussion of the previous session, the second roundtable will focus on ways to better engage the private sector in future CEC work.
Moderator: Sabaa Khan, JPAC member

Alejandro R. Nyssen Ocaranza
General Director, Nyssen Consultores
Download Presentation

Ryan Greer
Director, Transportation & Infrastructure Policy, Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Download Presentation

John Bradburn
Chief Materials & Sustainability Officer, Pathway 21
Ballroom A-B
Wrap-up discussion with experts and audience (in-person and online)
Update on Submissions on Enforcement Matters
Report from the National and Governmental Advisory Committee Representatives
Closing Remarks and Session Adjournment, by Gustavo Alanís-Ortega, JPAC Chair
Ballroom A-B
Official Opening of the 2018 Council Session
Reception at Chickasaw Ballpark, Oklahoma City
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
(Central Time)
LV2 Prefunction East
Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Exhibition
An exhibit showcasing the CEC’s work to protect and enhance North America’s environment
Ballroom D-E
Lunch [provided]
Ballroom A-B
Council Public Session–Innovation and Partnerships for Green Growth
A roundtable dialogue with the Ministers and invited experts from private sector, academia, and provincial/state governments on how innovation and green growth can be advanced through policy, partnerships, education and technology.
Presentations of the CEC Youth Innovation Challenge winners:

Lauren Smith and Nicole Balliston
Stop eating your dirty laundry - Our solution to microplastic pollution

César Asensy Maldonado Monter, José Luis Ortiz Robles, and Héctor José Garrido Rosales
Management of wastewater and organic waste with the use of insects

Nima ShahabShahmir
Future Fungi - An environmental solution to plastic issue
United States