Colaboración para la conservación de áreas protegidas transfronterizas de América del Norte
Situación actual: Concluido
Plan Operativo: 2013-2014
Aprovechando los logros alcanzados mediante el trabajo conjunto realizado en el periodo 2011-2012, este proyecto se propone mejorar la salud y la resiliencia de ecosistemas y comunidades en áreas transfronterizas. Asimismo, busca una mejor planificación transfronteriza en la región Big Bend-Río Bravo (BBRB) que permita mantener o restablecer la salud ecológica, la conectividad y la resiliencia frente al cambio climático, tanto de los ecosistemas compartidos como de las comunidades y los sectores que dependen del aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales de la zona.

Catherine Hallmich
Principales logros
- Identified priority areas for conservation and developed binational strategies and monitoring protocols for the Rio Grande, its tributaries and its uplands
- Engaged several communities in Maderas del Carmen, Ocampo and Cañón de Santa Elena in the implementation of opportunities for ecotourism and riverbank restoration activities
- Planted about 3,000 trees within the fragile riparian zones of three tributaries to the Rio Grande
- Monitored approximately 3,000 square kilometers of riparian habitats (including watersheds) for topography and vegetation
- Collected seeds of native milkweed plants for use in future milkweed restoration and monarch butterfly conservation activities
- Conservation Assessment for the Big Bend-Río Bravo Region: A Binational Collaborative Approach to Conservation
- A Proposal for Developing Desired Future Conditions for the Big Bend Reach of the Rio Grande/Río Bravo (Roadmap to a Binational Conservation Strategy)
- Landscape-level monitoring report of priority conservation areas in the Big Bend-Río Bravo region using repeat photography
- Reforestation report of Terlingua Creek in Big Bend National Park, Texas
- Hydrological and biological monitoring report of San Carlos and San Antonio creeks in the protected natural area of Cañón de Santa Elena, Chihuahua
- Assessment and management of visitor use and carrying capacity at ecotourism recreational sites in the protected natural areas of Maderas del Carmen and Ocampo, Coahuila
- Report on collection of native milkweed plant seeds for future monarch butterfly conservation activities