Red River Métis Emergency Management Planning
Organization: Manitoba Métis Federation - National Government of the Red River Métis
The Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) is the official, democratically elected National Government for the Red River Métis and the first federally recognized Métis government in Canada.
Location: Manitoba
Communities benefiting directly from the project: The MMF represents Red River Métis Citizens across the Province of Manitoba, thousands more across our National Homeland, and even more around the world. Our governance structure allows for programming to reach Citizens in all seven (7) MMF Regions and each grassroots community or MMF Local that the MMF represents. The Regions include Winnipeg, Thompson, The Pas, Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, Interlake and Beyond Borders.
Country: Canada
Other Organizations Involved: Napier Emergency Consulting (NEC), is a consulting firm that focuses on educating and building strong community-based emergency plans. NEC will conduct MMF Region-specific vulnerability assessments and create Emergency Response Plans that meet the MMF's needs during an emergency.

While the MMF is taking action against climate change, there are increasing numbers of environmental emergencies that arise due to climate change. Many risks cause threats to life and safety in areas where Red River Métis Citizens live, work and harvest. This includes wildfires, blizzards, floods, tornadoes, power outages and more, across the National Homeland and within urban centres, down to grassroots-level communities.
The MMF's goal is to create a Red River Métis Emergency Management Plan that not only meets an overarching goal as a National Government but also develops programming and safety information for Red River Métis Citizens in urban areas. The project will assist in facilitating a consistent plan and direction in an emergency. To prepare an Emergency Management Plan, the MMF is developing a strategy with a multi-phased approach (below) to ensuring that Red River Métis citizens are protected during an emergency.
Main activities
Phase one of the project will include in-depth hazard and risk assessments, developing a tailored emergency plan, and safety information for MMF staff and visitors. The second phase will involve supporting MMF Regions by creating roles and responsibilities to serve during emergencies, and tools to facilitate these roles. Phase three will include regional emergency plans and training. These will include Region-specific emergency plans as well as the development and delivery of workshops and training events for MMF staff and Red River Métis citizens. Phase four will consist of developing programming, materials, surveys, and 72-hour emergency kits to pass on knowledge and further enable citizens to combat climate change as well as the increasing number of emergency events within the National Homeland.
Expected outcomes
While this project is a multi-phased approach, all the steps will be cyclical, working together to create the Emergency Management Plan. The programming, materials and training will create a knowledge hub, not only to serve citizens but also MMF staff and Regions.