Reducing Marine Litter
North America is a significant contributor of land-based marine litter. Common trash from consumer goods in coastal and inland locations make up the majority of trash that eventually becomes marine litter, polluting our waterways and oceans.
Our work educates and empowers local communities by encouraging the prevention, minimization, and management of waste before it finds its way to waterways and oceans.
Tools and Resources

Launch your own Marine Litter Campaign
This webinar will explore the LSTO toolkit, offering practical tips and strategies to maximize the impact of your own campaign.

Webinar on Marine Litter Tools
This webinar presents the tools developed by the CEC and partners to help communities, cities, and organizations take action to prevent marine litter.

“Last Stop: The Ocean” Campaign Toolkit & Website
These campaign tools were designed to create awareness on water and trash flows and provide simple solutions for individuals to prevent and reduce land-based marine litter.
Salish Sea
Tijuana River

5 pages July 17, 2023
Quad Cities Litter Snapshot
The Quad Cities in Iowa and Illinois are located along the banks of the Upper...

75 pages April 29, 2021
Reducing Marine Litter Through Local Action
The purpose of this toolkit is to help North American urban, suburban and rural communities...

5 pages January 15, 2020
Building Community Solutions to Marine Litter
Common trash from consumer goods in coastal and inland locations makes up the majority of...

4 pages January 15, 2020
Building Community Solutions to Marine Litter in North America
Common trash from consumer goods in coastal and inland locations makes up the majority of...

4 pages January 15, 2020
Building Community Solutions to Marine Litter in North America
Common trash from consumer goods in coastal and inland locations makes up the majority of...

2022 Active
Addressing Ghost Gear in North America

2021 Completed
Reduction of Marine Litter

2019 - 2020 Completed
Community Solutions for Reducing Marine Litter

2017 - 2018 Completed