Council Resolution 99-07

Council Resolution 99-07

Montreal, 22 October 1999

Use of Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Surplus Funds from Financial Year 1996


CONSCIOUS of the need to ensure the proper use of the financial resources of the CEC at all times, and that these may be leveraged with the incorporation of, or access to, other resources from various institutions and organizations;

RECALLING that on 26 June 1998 in Mérida, it was resolved (Resolution 98-13) that the surplus funds from financial year 1996 be used in support of the capacity building components of the Sound Management of Chemicals (SMOC) initiative, as outlined in a comprehensive workplan being developed by the SMOC Working Group with the assistance of the Secretariat; and

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the SMOC Working Group requested of the Alternate Representatives, in a memo of 26 May 1999, that those surplus funds from 1996 which, in June of 1998, were allocated to development of capacity-building in support of the SMOC initiative, be retained and reserved for capacity-building needs, and gave its support to the joint CEC/International Development Research Center (IDRC) project, as well as the corresponding CEC/Global Environment Facility (GEF) project, both of them concerning alternatives to the use of DDT.


AUTHORIZES and DIRECTS the Secretariat, in conformity with the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation and the CEC Council Rules of Procedure, notwithstanding Financial Rules 5.3, 5.4 and 5.6 and Resolutions 98-10 and 98-13, that those resources covered by Resolution 98-13 that are not disbursed for the above-mentioned purposes before 31 December 1999 shall be used by the CEC to support the capacity-building components of the SMOC initiative until 30 June 2000; and

FURTHER AUTHORIZES and DIRECTS that any funds not disbursed for the above-mentioned purposes before 30 June 2000 shall be allocated as determined by the Council.




Government of Canada

By: Norine Smith


Government of the United States of America

By: William A. Nitze


Government of the United States of Mexico

By: José Luis Samaniego

Use of Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Surplus Funds from Financial Year 1996