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Council Resolution 98-12

Council Resolution 98-12

Distribution: General



Mérida, 26 June 1998

North American Cooperation on Environmental Emergencies


ACKNOWLEDGING that Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperate in areas of common interest within the framework established by the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation;

RECOGNIZING that environmental emergencies in North America are an important area for such cooperation;

CONTEMPLATING in particular, that it would be helpful to the three North American countries to consider the need for a North American rapid response mechanism that would facilitate cooperation in cases of environmental emergencies;


DIRECTS the Secretariat to examine what mechanisms, if any, could be established to enhance cooperation among the three countries to respond to environmental emergencies, and directs it to report its conclusions to the Council;

FURTHER DIRECTS that, as part of this examination, the Secretariat, with the input from the three countries, report to the Council on the status of any existing trinational or binational mechanisms for responding to environmental emergencies.



(S) Christine Stewart


Government of Canada

by Christine Stewart


(S) Julia Carabias


Government of the United Mexican States

by Julia Carabias


(S) Carol M. Browner


Government of the United States of America

By Carol M. Browner

North American Cooperation on Environmental Emergencies