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Council Resolution 96-11

Council Resolution 96-11

Distribution:  General


ORIGINAL:  Spanish

Toronto, August 2nd, 1996

Promotion of Pollution Prevention in North America


CONSIDERING that under Article 10(2)(b) of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, the Council may consider and develop recommendations regarding pollution prevention techniques and strategies;

RECOGNIZING that governments, industrial organizations and non-governmental organizations throughout North America are engaged in promoting strategies, techniques and technologies for pollution prevention;

CONVINCED that the use of techniques for pollution prevention may represent an effective alternative to control measures, from both environmental and economic perspectives; and

CONSIDERING the recommendations of the North American experts group convened in December 1995 by the Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation to discuss the necessity of and opportunities for cooperation in pollution prevention;

HEREBY RESOLVES to promote the use of pollution prevention measures in North America through:

I.          Information dissemination about existing techniques and technologies used in North America for pollution prevention, and successful pollution prevention programs in the region.

II.       Technical assistance for environmental assessments in small- and medium-sized enterprises to identify opportunities for pollution prevention as well as necessary technical support for the establishment of pollution prevention programs in selected enterprises;

III.    Sponsorship and promotion of projects in regions and sectors where pollution prevention has yet to be fully realized;

IV.    Promotion of existing funding mechanisms for pollution prevention programs;

V.       Recommendation of the establishment of a revolving pilot fund for pollution prevention in North American small- and medium-sized enterprises, the first phase of which will be undertaken in Mexico during 1996, and for which the launch of a second phase in Canada and the United States is planned for 1997.



(S) Carol M. Browner


Carol M. Browner

Government of the United States of America


(S) Julia Carabias


Julia Carabias

Government of the United Mexican States


(S) Sergio Marchi


Sergio Marchi

Government of Canada

Promotion of Pollution Prevention in North America