Council Resolution 95-09
Oaxaca, October 13, 1995
Creation of the North American Environment Fund
RECOGNIZING the importance of the public’s role under the North American Agreement for Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) in conserving, protecting and enhancing the environment;
RECOGNIZING the unique and essential role played by local communities, local governments and non-governmental organizations in conserving, protecting and enhancing the environment and ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystems;
DECIDES to create a North American Environment Fund (NAEF) for the year 1996, for the purpose of directly engaging the energy and imagination of the people in North America in achieving the goals and objectives of the NAAEC;
DIRECTS the Executive Director of the Secretariat to allocate an amount of 2 million Canadian dollars to the NAEF, from the unused funds of the 1995 budget and, if needed, from the 1996 budget, to be expended equally in the three countries and to be administrated by the Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation in support of the priorities of the annual work program;
DIRECTS the Executive Director to include the NAEF as an element of the 1996 and subsequent annual programs and budgets, subject to annual Council review.
REQUESTS the advice of the Joint Public Advisory Committee in formulating proposals for the most efficient use of the NAEF.
Carol Browner
Government of the United States of America
Julia Carabias
Government of the United Mexican States
Sheila Copps
Government of Canada
Creation of the North American Environment Fund