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Council Resolution 12-02

Council Resolution 12-02

Distribution: General


ORIGINAL:  English


15 June 2012 


Extension of deadline for use of 2011 funds



MINDFUL of Rules 5.2 and 5.3 of the Financial Rules of the CEC;

ACKNOWLEDGING the Council’s decision during its 2011 Regular Session that, starting with the 2011–2012 Operational Plan, CEC project operations will follow a June-to-June implementation calendar;

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the Memorandum from the Executive Director of 23 May 2012 (attached), prepared at the request of the Council, identifying the activities planned for 2011 that will not be completed and giving the reasons for the delay;

CONSIDERING that these activities represent only 20 percent of the total activities undertaken;

HEREBY DECIDES to transfer an amount not to exceed C$624,000 into the 2012 Operational Budget in order for these activities to be completed within the timeframes recommended in the attached memo;

HEREBY REQUESTS that the Executive Director report back on the progress and completion of these activities; and

NOTES that such extensions are to be considered exceptional and justified for one time only.





Dan Mc Dougall

Government of Canada


Enrique Lendo Fuentes

Government of the United Mexican States


Michelle DePass

Government of the United States



DATE:                                    23 May 2012

A / PARA / TO:                         Alternate Representatives

DE / FROM:                             Executive Director

CC:                                        General Standing Committee

OBJET / ASUNTO /RE:              Review of outstanding 2011 tasks and request for extension of funds

To inform the Council’s consideration of outstanding task-level initiatives in the 2011-2012 Operational Plan, and to provide for a reasonable completion of such matters in accordance with the two-year objectives of the Plan, the Secretariat is pleased to provide the following analysis and request for extension of financial deadline. 

Specifically, the Secretariat submits, for the Parties’ consideration, a request to extend the 30 June 2012 financial deadline (for expenditure of 2011 project funds) until 31 December 2012 for a number of specific task-level expenditures described below. For two outstanding tasks (2.4 of the Enhancing Law Enforcement in North America and task 5 of the Big Bend-Río Bravo project) permission is sought to extend activities to February and June 2013 respectively. The associated draft Council Resolution would transfer C$624,000 to year two to ensure the completion of all these activities planned for year one of the 2011–2012 Operational Plan.


Project: Capacity Building to Improve the Environmental Heath of Vulnerable Communities in North America (C$134,900)

Task 1: Continue activities aimed at integrating North American ambient air monitoring network data and information under the AIRNow-International (AIRNow-I) system to improve the quality and public access to ambient air quality conditions information Build capacity through training programs in Mexico for federal, state and local officials on pilot locales in system maintenance; data collection and analysis; and dissemination of air quality indices that are consistent with and comparable to those of the US and Canada.

  • This activity had to be postponed until the necessary air quality monitoring system hardware and software upgrades in Mexico’s AirNow pilot locales were in place. It is now expected that the first of the two pilot projects will begin in late June or early July 2012.
    • Action: Extend funds to 31 December 2012. (C$59,900)

Task 4: Hold workshop to discuss and refine draft outline of the framework document Hold workshop to discuss and refine draft outline of the framework document

  • The workshop cannot take place before the draft framework document is completed. The draft document was to be ready for public input by the end of May or by mid-June 2012.
    • Action: Extend funds to 31 December 2012. (C$75,000)


North American Grasslands: Management Initiatives and Partnerships to Enhance Ecosystem and Community Resilience (C$26,000)

Task 4: Conduct research to confirm the economic, green and low-carbon benefits of adopting sustainable rangeland practices and other conservation measures in the grasslands. Conduct study on incentives and practices for preservation/ restoration/management of grassland and associated economic benefits.

  • This activity has been delayed due to extensive revisions to the terms of reference. As this activity involves field-work in the summer months, work is expected to begin in June or early July 2012.
    • Action: Extend funds to 31 December 2012. (C$26,000)


Big Bend-Río Bravo Collaboration for Transboundary Landscape Conservation /North American Invasive Species Network (C$148,000)

Task 1: Expand existing conservation partnership to include more partners in Mexico and to increase the ability to coordinate and implement conservation efforts in the US and Mexico Conduct stream restoration course focused on the Río Grande/ Río Bravo for BBRBCC partners

  • Due to factors related to safety and river conditions, the restoration course has been scheduled in late October 2012. Such factors include very high temperatures (above 40oC) and frequent flash flooding between June and September, creating dangerous conditions for field work and inaccessibility of segments of river.
    • Action: Extend expenses to 31 December 2012 for this task (C$10,000) Plan and implement a series of public meetings in Mexico and the United States on ecosystem services and river management to provide information to communities and other stakeholders and identify shared conservation priorities.

  • As a result of the second coordination meeting of the Ad Hoc Group, 29-31 March, the first draft terms of reference were redirected to a new approach, which is now being developed by IBWC and Conagua.
    • Action: Extend expenses to 31 December 2012 for this task (C$25,000)

Task 2: Develop a science-based binational conservation strategy for rehabilitation of the Rio Grande/Río Bravo Develop a Conservation Strategy for the reporting on the state of science on the Rio Grande/Río Bravo

  • Agreement on the terms of reference was reached during the second coordination meeting following a change in scope of the activity. The planned work includes several consultations with members of the Ad Hoc Group and regional partners (via questionnaires, a webinar and meetings), which is a process that requires considerable preparation and review.
    • Action: Extend expenses to 31 December 2012 for this task (C$15,000)

Task 3: Conduct scientific studies of the Big Bend Reach of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo to inform adaptive management of ecosystem health Construct a GIS database, with maps and reports, of the human infrastructure and inundation potential of the river valley from Presidio to La Linda, TX

  • The terms of reference were developed with IBWC. Delays beyond 30 June 2012 are expected due to support required by various agencies (IBWC, NPS, USGS, universities, and other organizations) providing data to the Consultant.
    • Action: Extend expenses to 31 December 2012 for this task (C$12,000) Establishment and analysis of sediment study program for the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo

  • The contracted work involves monthly sampling of the river from March to November 2012. An extension beyond 30 June 2012 is needed for completing data sampling and carrying out data analysis.
    • Action: Extend expenses to 31 December 2012 for this task (C$9,000)

Task 4: Expand strategic planning and implementation of exotic and invasive species management Establish baseline environmental conditions for long-term monitoring

  • Due to in-channel flow and weather, planned activities need to extend beyond 30 June 2012. Optimal methods of eradication are currently under discussion with relevant agencies.  
    • Action: Extend expenses to 31 December 2012 for this task (C$12,000) 

Task 5: Facilitate the development of sustainable economic and social tools for integrating the local communities of Boquillas, Coahuila, Mexico, and others along the border, with the binational conservation strategies for the Big Bend/Río Bravo region Identify stakeholders and facilitate partnerships amongst citizens, government agencies, companies, NGOs, and academia in the US and Mexico. Inventory existing infrastructure and economic capacity in Boquillas, Coahuila, Mexico Assist CONANP and NPS in compiling binational citizen input concerning sustainable economic development related to binational conservation strategies and the opening of Boquillas Crossing Synthesize stakeholder input into a draft Sustainable Economic Development and Environmental Outreach Plan

  • An extension is needed for completing a Request for Proposals, awarding contracts and for carrying out the work. Given the complexity and long-term impact of this work in the region, the objectives of task 5 can only be met if the funds are extended until 30 June 2013.  
    • Action: Extend expenses to 30 June 2013 for tasks,,, (C$65,000) 


Risk Reduction Strategies to Reduce Exposure to Chemicals of Mutual Concern (C$35,000)

Task 2: Create a mercury strategy based on Hg Path forward and conduct risk reduction activities as deemed appropriate Develop a five-year mercury strategy (2011 to 2015).

  • The strategy is expected to be completed in June but not in time for the translation to be completed. This task does not have a continuation in the 2012 OP.
    • Action: Extend expenses for translation of Strategy until 31 December 2012.  (C$5,000) Investigate options for long-term storage of elemental mercury in North America.

  • Since originally proposed in 2010, studies have been conducted by others making this specific approach no longer needed. The SMOC Working Group has approved a closely related study on options for managing mercury-containing waste; however this led to delays in agreeing on terms and identifying a contractor.
    • Action: Extend the use of funds for contracting until 31 December 2012 (C$20,000)

Task 4: Effectiveness evaluation Conduct effectiveness evaluation of Mercury (Hg), and lindane North American Regional Action Plan (NARAP) as well as work on dioxins, furans and hexachlorobenzene (DFH).

  • The report is expected to be completed in June but not in time for the translation to be completed. This task does not have a continuation in the 2012 OP.
    • Action: Extend expenses for translation of effectiveness evaluation report until 31 December 2012. (C$5,000) Prepare closeout report for lindane NARAP

  • The report is expected to be completed in June but not in time for the translation to be completed. This task does not have a continuation in the 2012 OP.
    • Action: Extend expenses for translation of closeout report until 31 December 2012. (C$5,000)


Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Chemicals of Mutual Concern (C$52,100)

Task 1: Enhance the coverage of the environmental monitoring and assessment program in Mexico (Proname) by increasing the number of monitoring sites, and the media and chemicals to be monitored Monitor Mercury deposition at regional level: Mercury wet deposition monitoring in Mexico

  • Due to contracting delays and continued delays on the part of the international partner for this project, the contractor was not able to start this 12-month sampling project as scheduled. An extension is required in order to complete the full year of monthly sampling. This task does not have a continuation in the 2012 OP.
    • Action: Extend the use of funds for contracting until 31 December 2012. (C$11,100)

Task 2: Assure the production of high-quality information, compatible and comparable. A Mexican network of laboratories that will be reliable and have a proven analytical capacity for POPs will be established Lab validation – human biomonitoring and environmental monitoring

  • Additional time was required to identify and coordinate the participating labs in Mexico for this training exercise. (It is anticipated that this work could begin as early as July 2012).
    • Action: Extend the use of funds for contracting until 31 December 2012. (C$12,000) Proname protocol validation

  • Due to delays in contracting, sufficient time does not remain for the contractor to complete this work in a reasonable manner. This task does not have a continuation in the 2012 OP.
    • Action: Extend the use of funds for contracting until 31 December 2012. (C$20,000)

Task 4: Develop a human biomonitoring program in Mexico Development of a human biomonitoring program: establishment of a multi-year work plan for human biomonitoring activities, building on Proname infrastructure and on human blood biomonitoring contaminant project

  • Due to delays in contracting, sufficient time does not remain for the contractor to complete this work in a reasonable manner. This task does not have a continuation in the 2012 OP.
    • Action: Extend the use of funds for contracting until 31 December 2012.  (C$9,000)


Enhancing Environmental Law Enforcement in North America (C$72,000)

Component B: Collaboratively addressing common challenges and issues related to environmental and wildlife enforcement will support the reduction of these challenges by 2015 Two workshops on detecting non-compliance in motorcycles being imported into North America and the development of supporting materials for government officials.

  • Officials participating in this initiative from the EWG have agreed to initiate the development of a Mexican official standard (NOM) on air emissions from motorcycles prior to undertaking these activities.
    • Action: Extend the use of these funds until 31 December 2012 (C$20,000) A workshop on the exchange of information aimed at detecting illegal shipments of marine protected species

  • Definition of the scope and participation in this workshop was agreed at the NAWEG meting in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 14-15 May 2012. Accordingly it was trilaterally agreed that the date for this workshop should be changed to February, 2013
    • Action: Extend the use of funds until 31 December 2012 (C$35,000) Translation of CEC-produced materials aimed at promoting compliance in countries outside North America that experience high levels of non-compliance

  • A final draft of the material to be translated was approved by government officials at the meeting to be held in Dallas, Texas, on May 2-4. Final delivery of the translated material could take place beyond June 30. 
    • Action: Extend the use of funds until 31 December 2012 (C$17,000)


Ecosystem Carbon Sources and Storage: Information to Quantify and Manage for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions (C$41,000)

Task 3: Enhance a platform and framework for the collection, management, mapping and dissemination of relevant data on sources of ecosystem carbon sources and storage in collaboration with other experts working on the North American Carbon Atlas, the North American Carbon Program, Carbon Budget Modeling and related programs Establish standards and data definitions for trilateral reporting

  • The identification of a suitable candidate to carry out the work has been delayed. It is hoped a suitable candidate will be found by June 2012 to start the work immediately.
    • Action: Extend funds to 31 December 2012. (C$41,000)

Sound Management of Electronic Wastes in North America (C$115,000)

1.15.1 Component A. Estimate the amounts of transboundary movement of used and end-of-life computers and monitors within North America and from North America to the rest of the world, based on a set of methodologies developed in an earlier phase (i.e., Phase II) of this analysis.

  • After a peer-review of the output of phase II, the Ad Hoc Group of government experts developed a request–for-proposals for consultancy services for phase III. No proposals were received by the deadline. Officials are now exploring an alternative approach in order to provide more flexibility to prospective consultant (s).
    • Action: Extend the use of these funds until 31 December 2012 (C$85,000)

1.15.2 Component B. Enhance capacities of the e-waste refurbishing and recycling sectors to implement environmentally sound management practices.

  • The results of the needs-assessment report were ready for Party review on 23 April 2012. Officials participating in the Ad Hoc Group of experts reached a decision on materials and tools to deliver online and in-person training in May 2012. Implementation and delivery of training materials will exceed the June 30th deadline.  
    • Action: Extend the use of these funds until 31 December 2012 (C$30,000)

Extension of deadline for use of 2011 funds