Council Resolution 11-01

Council Resolution 11-01

Distribution: General



25 March 2011


Approval of use of 2011 funds for operational expenses and certain other expenditures pending approval of the Operational Plan 2011-2012


HEREBY DECIDES that pending approval of the Operational Plan 2011-2012, the Secretariat may use, from 1 April until 30 June 2011, 2011 funds not to exceed C$2,400,000 for the following expenditures: administrative and management expenses; Article 13 Secretariat report; Submissions on Enforcement Matters; communications; managing CEC environmental information; planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting; Council support; JPAC support; and Mexico liaison office;

FURTHER AUTHORIZES the Secretariat to use 2011 funds not to exceed C$290,000 to cover expenses related to cooperative activities described in the appendix; and,

REAFFIRMS the CEC Financial Rules, in particular Rule 4.1, and acknowledges that this resolution is required as a result of a special budgetary circumstance for the fiscal year 2011.



David McGovern

Government of Canada



Enrique Lendo Fuentes

Government of the United Mexican States



Michelle DePass

Government of the United States of America


Appendix to Council Resolution 11-01


Use of 2011 funds to cover cooperative activities

A total of C$290,000 from 2011 funds will cover expenditures for the following cooperative activities to be implemented pending approval of the Operational Plan 2011-2012:

Continuation of the kick-off projects approved in December 2010 (C$110,000)

Improving Comparability of GHG Emissions Data, Methodologies and Inventories in North America (C$70,000)

  • This project, approved in December 2010, represents the continuation of activities initiated following the Council session in August 2010. A Request for Proposals will be issued in March 2011 with contracted work expected to be completed by 31 August 2011.

Intelligence-led Enforcement for North American E-Waste Activities (C$40,000)

  • This project, approved in December 2010, represents the continuation of activities initiated following the Council session in August 2010. The first task under the project having been completed in February 2011, the amount requested will cover task 2 which is expected for delivery in May 2011.

Completion of 2010 projects (C$180,000)

Trade and the Enforcement of Environmental Laws (C$20,000)

2010 Task 4 - Complete project on electronic exchange of information on the import/export of hazardous wastes/materials in North America

  • Support completion of activities (integration, testing, verification) as agreed by the Hazardous Waste Task Force (specifically, two meetings proposed, April and September 2011 - C$20,000)

Completion of 2010 project outputs (C$160,000)

  • Publishing, translation, editing, layout of outstanding 2010 document/information products as required during the quality assurance process.
    • Publication of the North American Power Plants Air Emissions report (C$31,000)
    • Publication and dissemination of the Taking Stock report (C$25,000)
    • Completion of documents related to SMOC activities (C$89,000)
    • Completion of products related to Enforcement activities (C$11,000)
    • Translation of documents issued from phase II of the project Environmental Assessment of NAFTA (C$4,000)

Approval of use of 2011 funds for operational expenses and certain other expenditures pending approval of the Operational Plan 2011-2012.