CEC hero image, a photo of Council Resolution 04-01

Council Resolution 04-01

Council Resolution 04-01

Distribution: General


ORIGINAL:  English

21 January 2004

Extension of deadline for use of 2003 funds


NOTWITHSTANDING Rules 5.3 and 5.4 of the Financial Rules of the CEC;

HEREBY DECIDES that funds committed as of 31 December 2003 for the organization of the workshop entitled: “Towards Conserving Marine Species and Spaces of Common Concern in North America“, will continue to be available after 28 February 2004 and up to 30 March 2004.

FURTHER DECIDES that funds unspent as of 31 December 2003 for activities of the Ten-Year Review and Assessment Committee (TRAC) will continue to be available through 2004.




Judith E. Ayres

Government of the United States of America


José Manuel Bulás

Government of the United Mexican States


Norine Smith

Government of Canada

Extension of deadline for use of 2003 funds